Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Apologies, Gramps, fair, hair, and Preschool goodbyes

Oh hello :)
1. I'm sorry its been a really long time since I've updated you. Seems as if life gets in the way of a SAHM. Sometimes I probably could update you and I feel like I have nothing to say. Other times I have  A LOT to say but just can't get it out. A lot of life has passed in these last few months..big changes..big loses..
2. My Gramps passed away.. I'm feeling more sorrow or pain you can say than I did leading up to it. I was actually happy. I was happy that he was reunited with Gram. I was happy he was in heaven enjoying life walking probably running without pain or struggle. Every time I had visited Gramps those past few times I heard him say something about Gram. I think he was really missing her. Then when his sister came and visited and his siblings and their families all reunited......I think he was good. Truly he had nothing keeping him in this world. Sure he loved his kids and grand-kids and great grand-kids..but I can tell you once I get to that age and if Jake is in heaven...I sure as heck will want to be with him. Every time I visited him in hospital I wondered if this was the last.... I'm happy I did see him awake. My parents kept the kids and I ran up there and My Aunt Darcy was there. His dinner came in and he wanted me to feed him. But Darcy insisted she would so I figured he wanted me up by him to talk to him. I showed him my latest 3 pictures of the kids (all include them at the end) and we both chuckled at each new story of their trouble. I also told him about how me and Jake forgot our 9th year wedding anniversary. He reminded me what a good man Jake was. After a bit I told him good bye and hugged and kissed him and told him I loved him and he returned the love yous. I went to the hospital 2 more times and both he wasn't exactly there. They called in hospice and he quickly passed after that. His funeral viewing felt like it lasted 20 many people came. It actually felt like 2 viewings... the the front was gramps in his casket then the back room was full of grand kids and great grand kids running wild... lol... I figured they might charge us double... Stu was taking the free mints and selling them :)... My favorite part was hearing all these Kenny stories... Of how he helped someone in a bind..whether financially or just by doing...Gramps was a very generous man. That is his legacy...he was a good christian man..that the lord blessed him in a lot of ways...and he was always quick to give back. I think the hardest part of that whole time was seeing my family's grief. I was a little bit relieved for my younger to kids. My gramps fell and by chance Jake and the 2 old kids and a cousin found him. He was coherent and talking so my kids did talk to him that day and seen him being taken by ambulance to hospital. So they knew he was sick and hurt and I told them I wasn't sure if he was going to come home from hospital but maybe he might go home to heaven. So it wasn't like they visited gramps one day and the new thing they knew he was gone. The day of the service at the end we had to tell him goodbye. Stuart not exactly sure but was okay...Sondra in tears. Now that...yea I bauled my Momma eyes out....just like I'm doing now thinking about it...  that..was the hardest part.

3. Fair  came and went. It was a lot of fun. also a lot of accomplishments for Colt and Chloe, and Sondra. They all get better and better..... jake's 30th bday was on the last day too. at the dance party we surprised him with a cake and all :) he danced the night away lol..

4. I think my mind is set on growing my hair out... I miss it super long... its just past my shoulders now...please hair just keep growing...    

5. Stuart has started school. Well preschool. He was supposed to start kindergarten but I guess they had other plans for him. So I took him to get screened and registered for kindergarten. They did all that stuff and was told his scores ect and was told he was recommended for the 2 year program. which was exactly what we wanted. I told her I knew we had a lot to work on over the summer but we were excited b.c. we had a great experience with Sondra completing the 2 year program. On a Friday after all the kids were screened and tested I was called and a kindergarten teacher said that I knew my child best and It was up to us but after looking at the results of all the kids Stuart had much lower scores and they wanted to see if we would be interested in sending him to the preschool they thought it would be more his speed only being there a few hours than all day. I told her I would have to think about it and talk to my husband (I wasn't exactly sure what he would think about it but I knew I didn't want preschool). She said thats fine just give them a call back. Well I called back that monday and left a message that we talked about it but we would like to keep Stu in the 2 year program we felt comfortable since having Sondra go through it. I get a call back from teacher and she told me after looking things over the school psychologist and teachers recommend him for 1 year. I said I don't want 1 year...I want the 2 year. She said with his scores he wouldn't be able to do that. I was a bit upset and said I didn't understand how he wouldn't be in the class after I was told he would be and I signed the paper agreeing with what was decided. I asked if he went into the 1 year would we just automatically be held back? Their response: No we won't say that we will just see how he does. I hung up not telling them either way of what I wanted to do. I was super upset. I was upset because I felt like it was my fault. Have I failed my little man. In reality I should of realized it wasn't nobody's fault..there is no guilt here.... All kids develop differently. Stuart may not be able to write his name or do the required things that he "should" know but the kid can drive a skid loader out work his own father and everyone knows his father's busy body syndrome. His problem is he doesn't have time to do that school work. :) So after Jake went through the chain of command we were assured preschool would be a good thing. Also it will be free and will be transported to and from. So there was 2 pros. After he was screened by the preschool I was happy he did do more things for the tester and his scores went up a little bit since his kindergarten screening. They explained to me the preschool wasn't free and wasn't guaranteed bus. They want to further test him for speech and OT. Once he qualifies for extra help there- then it will be free and they will transport him until then we will have to pay and take him to and from school. So in the end after speaking with the preschool I feel good. The school wasn't going to let stuart in the 2 year program so this was our best option from there. We didn't want to put him in 1 year and watch him struggle. I'm not here wanting to bring negativity to AE at all..I'm a big supporter..but I have issue with being told I know my child best and it was our decision only to be bullied into putting him into the preschool. I only say that because with each "special services" student the preschool has another place for a typical student opens up. I'm only curious to what are the benefits of AE and having kids going to the preschool besides the obvious one. I'm praying and hoping Stuart will benefit drastically and be ready for 1 year kindergarten. That is our goal. I already know he is benefiting. I pick him up today look in his book bag and oh my word.. a color page that he colored. not real perfect but he  SAT down and colored! He never does that for me. I'm happy. He seems to enjoy it and hopefully come October his cousin Jude will be attending too..he already has his friend Aiden from church there... add a third amigo and there would be trouble :)      

6. Well ... I must be going..I don't want to write too much..I've been trying to write more in my journal. I have this beautiful leather bound journal made in Italy that my parents got me a few years ago at Christmas... and I'm shamed that it isn't even half full..that is my goal..fill my journal with adventure.

please pray for a friend her new grand daughter is having some health issues also pray for her doctors and nurses that are figuring out what is going wrong.

Love ME

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