Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Utter Joy/Am I really Living/WF/KillinMommy/Photo/Cows/Dash/funny


Man  where have I been for almost a month? Sorry people.

Life lately has been utter joy not 24/7 but my life is at ease. It is amazing what happens when you are totally honest with yourself & with Life in general. When I said I was making some changes a few weeks ago I wasn’t kidding. It hasn’t been a overnight experience but little by little I’m getting better & better.

My children- my children… what can I say about them…their birthday photos are coming up!..I have a few ideas I hope to do but I also I need to get outfits picked out and all that fun stuff.

Life has been pretty busy lately. I feel like I try so hard to live with a purpose and at the end of the day I wonder what have I accomplished? These things that I am busying myself with...what am I doing? Am I really living? Living? Am I being authentic? Am I being a great person? When I reach the age when I know my days are dwindling down will I feel like I didn’t let it pass me by? Because that is how I have been feeling. I want to live a good life. Not making a whole bunch of money but I want to be the best honest person. I want to be a great wife to my husband and a good mother to my children. I want to be the best possible Christian that I can possibility be. How do I do that? I try to live each day passing day to my best ability. It’s the day to day that gets me. Its hard but somehow I have to try my hardest.  Does anyone know what I am feeling? 

So what has been happening. With women’s fellowship I have been planning the father son banquet which I took a big undertaking instead of doing a boring supper at the church I thought this year we should have a fish fry! Man it is a lot of work. I think I have most of everything covered but just need the hands to finish the plans. I’m also planning for this Women’s fellowship year concerning the meetings. We thought it would be fun for each month to have themes at our meetings. The first month will be: “Tops, Tea, and Tubs” = Big Hats, Tea Party, and also a Tupperware party. It should be fun right? For Christmas it will be “Ugly Christmas Sweater” Meeting and so on. Each month will be a fun night of dressing up and having fun with the ladies.  I am excited!

Stu spends a lot of time here
My kids! I swear their mission is to break me. As much as I try or think I am doing things right they beat me down. When I reread that last sentence I see these 2 big bad kids beating on a weak little lady but really they are just kids being kids....I try and be consistant but I’m falling short. Sometimes it is just easier to give in. Sometiems I yell- I hate that. I am trying to control my cool and act slowly. I am thankful just to have these kids its amazing miracle. A lot lately I just look at my Sondra and think to myself: who is this creature? How did this beautiful strong willed child come from? Is she really half of me? And Stuart..oh my. He is a boy wonder. He never stops and fears nothing it seems. Last weekend at the Clum get away my Sister in law made it all make sense. He is a baby Jack Ass. Lol… you know that show Jack Ass where they do all kinds of stupid things being dared or just doing things that can hurt them. That is Stuart. By each passing day he climbs higher stuff and jumps farther down for enjoyment. He will have a broken bone soon I’m sure.

My camera before my Nikon ...started it all :) 
My photography life is growing. To think it started with a cheap purple Kodak camera that a cheap Mom thought she would take her kids photos so that she wouldn’t have to pay the big bucks for memories. It grew and is growing now. From taking Sondra & Stu’s photos now to my neice and nephews and even my Sister In law Kayla I am capturing her growing 4 babies in her belly. I am so happy that I have the tools to take nicer photos. Next week I am going to take photos of some of my cousins and their Mom offered to pay me. My 1st Paying customer? Neat huh? Hopefully I won’t let me down. 
these 2 are pure trouble

Does anybody remember seeing pictures of those 2 cute calfs we were going to feed out and butcher for meat...well thank you Jesus its finally time and we dropped them off at Keystone Tuesday. I am such a horrible person and when we were looking at them Monday before we took them I told them to live their live to the fullest and laughed lol...and then Sondra yesterday morning asked where her Dad was dropping off TightRope and Chip at? After telling her Keystone to be slaughtered and cut up into meat so we can eat- she said I don't like meat I want hamburgers Mom... lol... yes hamburger too... this morning she asked where is all the meat at that daddy butchered the cows at... lol...I thought she was my fast one..I explained the whole process and that someone else does it. She seems to be getting it... I am so happy though we have finally finished feeding them out- and I won't have to worry about getting meat at the store and I know where this meat is coming from. I am thankful that my husband was smart enough to see the need and pushed for us to get these b.c. I wasn't too cracked up on the whole idea!...but now we have a couple pigs we are raising for meat and some laying  chickens that we are going to butcher some of those too b.c. we ended up getting so many chicks. I'm so thankful Mom & Dad are letting us keep everything at their farm...
TightRope & Chip(Sondra's Names) or what everyone else liked to call them: steak & hamburger

House News- Well we should be able to see the house on the 15th. Please pray.  Its kinda crazy to get money around for a down payment and put all your chips on a property when you haven't even looked inside it or know it is livable. and I don't care if it is or not... I would like for it to be livable and then build on what we need. If it isn't livable we may start from scratch and build a pool barn house thing kind of like my parents but much smaller. Of the 2 I'd rather build on to a house...I'm not really sure what Jake would prefer we have just discussed those are the options... i'm one of those people I don't even want to think about it or talk about it and make plans and get excited..b.c. I don't' want to be let down..but really why? when I drive up my parents lane I'm already looking at it and thinking that's my "forever" Home, I'm going to do this and that...I'll be honest..I'm going to be crushed if that property don't work out... its perfect I envision many cook outs and children running around. SO please keep us and the opportunity on your prayer list. Our goal was to be there by school..well that isn't happening since it has taken so long for it to be ready to be put on market...but we will see the 15 what we are dealing with and hopefully make a offer that day when we walk through it...  hopefully they accept and then we can tell the kids- we are moving!!!!... then you know what comes next... a dog! That is one thing I have promised Sondra...after Stu was born we got rid of Piper the puppy Jake not so smartly thought we needed and brought home..Sondra was heart broken..but ever since then- I have promised her the day we move we will get you a puppy... (I'm kinda excited about that too!) 

Tonight is the first night of my church's bible study over James... I'm pretty excited! I've done my reading and filled out my book. I'm liking the new direction the bible study is going.. we are back into the bible instead of the purpose driven book but we still have a book( to accompany the book of If you are interested in  coming go ahead...Free Babysitter, great company, and a great teacher Jim Harrod. 

Sondra, Bryce, & Ainsley

White Trash Class Clum Klan Before the Warrior Dash
This past weekend was such a great weekend...Jake, His parents, brother, Brother in law, Sister and assorted uncles and cousins and spouses ran the warrior dash... its a 3.8 mile obstacle course...their outfits was white trash which was funny :)... besides that we all stayed at a "lodge"...=a house that had room for all of us. It was so much fun...I loved Sondra and Stu running wild with their cousin Bryce... memories.. and loved passing Ainsley around from person to person.. she has grown in leaps and bounds and won't be surprised if the next time i see her she is walking..she is already couch surfing.. she is so rolly pooly I love it... she reminds me of was nice to actually feel like I was getting "away" for the weekend..which is great b.c. we all decided we are getting together again in September like we did this weekend...

Mr. Knoxville doing something not so smart!
I'll leave you with this last funny which anybody I have told has laughed out loud about....So me and Sondra are in the car... I am letting her ride in the front seat... a little preface: I have broken out on my chin which every month hint hint I tend to get a zit here or she looks at me and goes Momma...I say ya Sondra... you know you need some proactive... (what did she just say to me? my mind)...what hunny? ...she points to her chin making a circular motion... you need some proactive ...I innocently say..well why Sondra? ...continues her chin pointing circular motion on her face.. because mom you got something going on....what Sondra what do I have going on... you have a outbreak on your chin mom.... lol...  I reply how do you know about proactive (she has a aunt or 2 that swear by it maybe she has seen them use it)...her reply- well MOM I'VE SEEN THE COMMERCIALS!.... my reply..Sondra that isn't very nice that hurt my feelings you shouldn't say things like that sometimes people don't like to have other people point out their imperfections (you little sometimes bed wetting bitch in my head of course I don't mean it LOL)....

So there it is ...Hopefully it won't be so long before I update! 
Love you guys and seriously- keep my family and house situation in your prayers..I would really appreciate it...

1 comment:

  1. I loved the update and am thankful we were a part of the good Warrior Dash weekend!! :) Stu and Sondra crack. me. up.
