Friday, June 7, 2013

Vacay!...HerbLady..Reds..weekend Cowgirl

This is from Jordan & Brittany's Wedding walking in... :) Doesn't Jake look so lovely without his beard. HE thinks he likes his beard... 
SO- in a little less then a month I will be on Vacation...oh I can't wait...I"m ready for a break...with that being said..if anyone wants some portraits done please let me know..I'm trying to make some extra money :). We are going to Myrtle Beach for a week w/Jake's not just his Mom Dad Brothers Sister and niece and nephew...a lot of his extended family too... :)... I'm excited...Sondra & Stu will be running wild with their Clum Cousins

My Potted Herbs 

Also- I have become quite the little Herb lady... I've been reading about each one I have and their uses...Here are the herbs I have:
Orange Mint
Lemon Balm-Melissa
Kentucky Colonel Spearmint
Garlic Chives

My Favorite.. Orange Mint smells so good!...Least just looks like it isn't doing to well..I don't know what else to do for it..I did however use my first fresh herbs... now mind you I know know very little about herbs...anytime I have questions I'm googling it..I have just been watering I was reading when to harvest and how anyways... On Wednesday I was reading about how easy Basil is to grow and was a bit disappointed b.c. mine was looking rather sorry and then I found a article about how they should be pruned..ohh I went home and pruned it..brought it inside to keep a careful eye on him...but I wasn't sure what to do with the leaves I took I added it to supper... which was...Hamburger helper lol.... You might be a redneck.... you know did make it taste better...I'm just a little embarrassed to tell people I did that... oh well..My next venture... I'm going to make some Pesto with my Basil produce..I see it all the time and wonder what it tastes like...

MY Weekend plans... unexpectedly We are going to a Red's game with my Great Aunt Catherine! Jake heard her say she wouldn't mind going to a reds you know Jake..if there is a will there is a way...oh and also The Friday before our vacation we are going to a reds game and THEN driving to myrtle beach lol..... tonight is home doing laundry and more laundry...I hate trying to keep a tidy house..never seems to work! ....

Sondra was pretty excited about her new lasso & boots my Mom brought back from her trip. She had to dress up in FULL cowgirl gear the next day...yes lol..I know... 

Well- I gotta get going! :) I've got stuff to do!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love that your herb use was in Hamburger Helper!! :) They are looking good though!!
