Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Awkward Speedway Encounter ;) & My Potty Mouthed Daughter-"like her mother" Jake would say

So I go to Speedway Monday Morning because I gotta have my sweet tea for the day...and I had 2 teas in my hands for me & my aunt...and I set them on the counter...and the first words out of this cashier girls mouth was.."Wow- looking at you- I would have never guessed that you would have a tattoo."... I thought to myself.."what the hell??"... i was kind of speechless...like was I supposed to explain why i have them..or explain people aren't what they always seem to be...or maybe the "don't judge a book by it's cover" line..I don't know..it was awkward...honestly..I want more...if I'm ever in LA I will get a tattoo by Kat Von D... awesome!...she does really awesome animal portraits and I'm just waiting on the right person to do a Tattoo for my Mystery... When I'm done having kids completely I'm getting some kind of family tree tattoo..can't picture it..but I want something to that extent... and all this talk of tattoos...it probably will freak Jake- his/mine family out.. b.c. I don't know...it just would...they don't understand it...they are "bookmarks" marks of pride in my life that I care to carry with me...my 1st Tattoo was my honeymoon tattoo of Jake's name and our anv. date...I was/am so proud to be his...and I want everyone to know it....this girl is taken...my 2ND my bible verse "proverbs 22:6:... it marks my entrance into motherhood...got it a few months after Sondra was born- it reminds me that if you put the work in now ...it matters down the road...and my 3rd tattoo my Gram's initials... I was/am so proud of that precious lady...she left such a legacy in us it is not even funny...why I can cook..its b.c of her...my spiritual family tree - people who led the people that lead me to Christ...she is a part of it...i only wish I can at least be half of what she was for me as a Grandma... b.c. this lady gave me so many memories to share forever and ever with my own children/grandchildren...she showed me how a grandma is supposed to be...and gave me such a great example of how to be that..
I had a really funny story to tell you guys too... man this sucks...OHHH.. now I remember... Sondra has a bit of a potty mouth lately... now... growing up when I got a little bit older I got in the habit of saying piss...Its in my everyday langue... its not even a oops sorry thing when I say it..its just a word...when me and Jake started dating...and he would always be like watch your mouth..lol.. BC to him that was a bad word...and my explanation would be piss is not a bad word..but it certainly isn't a "pretty" word...that was my mom's description of that word and for suck too... lol.. and to me that makes complete sense...well Sondra has never ever said it until a bout 3 or 4 weeks ago and I swear she says every Sunday..the first time she said it was when she was w/my mom and she mad her cat mad and mom says something about don't make that cat mad...and she says..ya "I sure pissed that cat off!"....my mom was speechless...she went into the whole your not allowed to say it..blah blah blah..i thought it was taken care of..we assumed she said it b.c. the day b4 she was with me jess and Kayla..and I will admit Me & Jess probably said it a lot..(thats Jessy's word) and so the following week I have watched my mouth not said it... the following Sunday...we are at my parents again...we get in our car and pulling out and Jake says something about saying by to Bambi the mule and she says NO!..I'm not gonna piss Bambi off..I don't piss her off...and I immediately start saying No you don't say that..and I thought she got the picture...well we didn't even get down to the corner to the grave yard..she says Well I don't piss of Bambi but I do piss snot off...and Jake couldn't take it..he pulls over int he parking lot of the grave yard...and opens up her door and gets right into her face and got the message through...or so we thought...well..this Sunday..Schwartz are over to see Sondra's Pony..and Sondra and Cara are driving Daisy...and I see Sondra come up the barn crying..and I say Whats wrong..she says..I said a bad word..and I said really??...What did you say..she her response is.."I don't even want to say it Momma"..and she says...something about the cat word...and so I think she is catching on...I just don't think she knew which word we were telling her not to say...so... I think she gets it..and so now I'm now prepared to wash her mouth out with Soap if she says it again... and honestly..I don't blame her..she has heard and didn't think twice about saying it..and that is why she knew how to use it..and let me just Point out..I never said it to her or stuff like that... like she has heard me talking to someone or something like that..I would NEVER say "Sondra your  pissing me off" or anything like that... I'm not a perfect parent ...but I will never talk to my children like that...just wanted to share this story with you b.c. 1. all kids say a bad word and 2. I'm sure she'll have another bout with a bad word 3. and thank God she said piss and not a worst word... I can live with Piss...   so pray for Sondra...hopefully she doesn't have a relapse and gets her mouth washed out...!

1 comment:

  1. what kind of soap would you use and how would you do it if you were to wash your mouth out my girlfriend just went through the similar thing with her daughter and it was a repeated thing and she had her mouth washed out with soap I think it definitely work though
