Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh MY Friday~

Oh Friday...I have been patiently waiting for you! Although the beginning of the week was kind of sad...I did get see some great family...I always love getting together with them..wish we would do it more often..
So Its been one full week since I bought my iPod touch...and oh how I have fallen madly in love with satisfies my want for a smart phone. Jake annoyingly likes the games on it and tries to steal my little piece of heaven from me... I have my music on cool apps....books...just everything...even a period planner app that tells me when my next period should arrive..I gotta find an app to remind me to take my birth control and then it would be complete.... lol a period planner... I laughed and thought I'm gonna download that and then I looked to see what it was and thought... wow that is kinda 
I have a "busy" weekend....tonight...have to be home or somewhere in front of the TV to watch the reds!!!... Jake's real love... so we will probably watch at my GPA Kenny's... then sometime this weekend I gotta go to the store b.c. funny me thought man I'll make lasagna for Sunday dinner...i still got to talk to more people to bring the other stuff...but gotta get to the store to get the stuff i need to actually make it.. I'm excited..I love Sunday dinner..and anything Italiano makes my day..well any that i like... 
Also Saturday.. Sondra will be meeting her new pony Daisy-Bob my parents got at the Mt. Hope Sale..she originally wasn't going to get one..but since this summer and all her riding...Mom&Dad thinks she is ready...I'm so excited...b.c. this is her first Very own pony...I can't wait to see her riding around on her making memories... everybody that has a horse remembers their own first pony... Mine was a white Shetland pony..I named him Mr. Logan b.c. Wolverine was my favorite X men character and thats his real name...  we got him from Mr.Begg from Wagon train...this pony was so stubborn..I remember my first year at fair I took him in barrels and the arena had really deep mud b.c. of all the rain that year and he started acting up in the arena..rared once or twice i finished the patterned was upset..and at the time and my age this older 4h boy..who I had a absolute crush on.. rode over and told me what a great job I did for making my pony finish..and some other stuff every older 4h person should tel to younger kids that aren't doing as well as they would like or think they should be doing..and as he rode away..I was happy and saying "Why thank you Mr. Logan"... 
And for any inquires why her Name is going to be Daisy-bob... because Daisy is her actual name and Sondra for the longest time has said she was naming her pony Bobbie b.c Jake use to have a spotted draft horse named she thinks all her horses should be named Bobbie...and her Grandma the softie...will allow it.. its like Colts one pony we had...her name was supposed to be Dolly...but Colt wanted her name to be they settled for Dolly-Gator..and I know you think that sounds funny..but thinking about it would sound funny if we just said Dolly.. lol.. 
Well This is LONG...sorry... Got a lot to say..Stay tuned...I'll be posting a pic of Sondra with her Pony and her big FAT smile..she will have... I'm thinking I'm gonna bust out the video camera too.. 
Much Love

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