Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Jude, New Shirts, and A Stormy Day!

Although the stormy day sucks...I am happy to report I am in  a great mood..
Yesterday- MY nephew Jude was born finally... he weighed 8 lbs 5 ounces and just shy of 22in. long...I was so excited the whole way up to the hospital!!! I have not got a new nephew or niece in 8 years....and I'm still waiting on the niece part..hint: Kayla/Rick and Rachel/Chris.... Jude was so adorable..I didn't get to hold him long or see him long..but I just wanted  a glimpse and leave the parents alone...the first day with all the people was very...IDK.. its just kind of over whelming...I couldn't tell you how happy I was both times the first night where it was just me/Jake and our baby together alone..w/Stuart I was more out of it...well I was out of it... I can't even remember the day after he was born...I just remember when they all left and the nurse came in and was like you ready to get up?..and I said ya and I got up and it didn't even hurt...so odd...b.c. w/Sondra it burned like hell...but I still moved anyway..w/Stuart I could have gone and ran a marathon after my C/S!...lol..well ok in my head I could have...
So we ordered T shirts for work...and low and behold they are finally here...I am so happy!...I now don't even gotta think about finding an outfit for work...I'm so happy..
SO I came into the office in my new pretty Tshirt... and there are storm warnings..and all.. and then we just sat outside to watch the sky...and then when the storm came through..finally it has cleared up and I am babysitting the kids tonight which should be fun!...they are always a riot and a funny story waiting to happen!
I'll get back to you!
ALSO! Gramps got out of the hospital yesterday!! ... so very happy!

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