the weather right has been so wonderful...I have been grabbing for
my camera a lot here lately... this one is fly.... she is a pretty dog...I've
been playing in light room and edited this in that...I've actually
got a couple people I'm going to be taking pictures of here real adorable nephews Dane/Jude and then Syd's... how fun... then before I
know it.... the Triplets for their 9 month pictures... so fun so fun..
So- this past weekend Jake, Sondra, and Me went to a Red's game
with another couple. Jake is friends with the husband through wrestling...and
over this past year or so...they have been better and better friends...I'm this
close (holding out my thumb and index finger merely millimeters apart) to calling
him his "boyfriend".. lol..JK... but Jake a few weeks ago asked if me
if I wanted to go to a reds game with them..and I thought oh ya okay...then as
it got closer I was a wee bit nervous... I didn't really know the couple and
their daughter..I hope they are easy to get along know
just because to 2 men get a long doesn't mean..I'll automatically get
a long with the wife or Sondra the daughter...well..thankfully we was
a lot of fun and we left with promises to get together again!...
Also...does it make me a bad parent I was so happy/excited that
Sondra's TBall practice was cancelled lastnight! lol... Tball has started..I've
been excited... not very excited...happy...sad... and feelings of caged too...
When Sondra was a baby we talked about the future and how we would chose things
of our children... As far as sports.. of course if the kids wanted to
we would more than oblige....but lately its been well what sports will the kids
be playing..I myself.. didn't want to go the TBALL route...I watched my fair
share of Colt's Tball games ...and don't want to do that.. They
sit..pick flowers...whine...don't pay attention...I actually want the kids to
play soccer...they will run A LOT...but that is like a "SIN" in my
family... lol.. especially if Stuart played..but have to be physically
fit to play it.either way...I'm going to encourage Sondra to play... my opinion
on Stu is..let his father decide... another thing that has come up....
Sunday night a few Sundays ago I get a voice mail from Sondra's
coach's wife..telling me Wednesday is Sondra's first practice at 6:30.
Wednesday???????aaahhh.. the one thing I don't want... So I call back letting
her know when Sondra's birthday is..and ask if EVERY practice would be on
Wednesday because we have church that night...she told me only a few practices
would be and I felt assured it would be okay....then..when we got her schedule
ya there were only a couple practices on Wednesday .but the majority of her
games are Mondays and Wednesdays....ggrrrrr.... I hate this part... I love
going to bible study... so the first Wednesday practice... we decided one of us
would stay with her and the other would take Stu to bible study...well I lucked
out b.c. Jake helped the coach and I think will keep helping the coach during that means I'll get to go to bible study..but man..when games
start..I'm not exactly sure what we will do..I don't want to miss Bible
study...but also I don't want to miss Sondra playing... The other Moms have
told me that games last about a that means I could go to bible study
late... I hate that I have to decide between the 2…I wish I lived about 50-60
years ago where it wasn't a question whether anything else would be happening
Wednesday night besides church…
I've been practicing more and more with my camera...
I was at a stand still at work a few I practiced on messing with aperture in my pictures...
Tomorrow Jake & I are going away for the weekend. We are taking Jake's dog Fly to a clinic..Its where we bought her from...Fly has made leaps and bounds since the last one day clinic we went too..its amazing..she can't wait to go outside to work the sheep..and she has gotten more and more open to tomorrow we will be there Saturday and Sunday .. it should be a good time...Sondra is staying with my parents and Stuart with Aunt Brittany & Uncle will be a nice time away...we need that.. :)...
This past year..we have realized that we need some away time where I'm not worrying about the kids..or Jake about what he needs to get done... we are much happier people to be around when we are alloted that.
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Miss Sondra has freckles... and beautiful eye lashes... :) |
well I must be going..I'm off to a dentist appointment eee....its me Jake and Sondra's turn for a teeth cleaning!
see you later :)