Friday, October 25, 2013


Hello All!...Some stuff has been going on... Let me fill you in! 

1. Tuesday after work I went straight home was in a hurry and left then came home that night around 9:30ish and the one time in months or ever I leave my work bag in my car unlocked. I am a country living girl that has never locked her vehicle SO I don't want to hear it. Anyways..the next morning I get in my car and my glove box is left open with all the stuff on my front seat.....Shhhiiiiittttt....BUT my bible is sitting there which I noted that should be in my work bag... I get to work..hmm..I know my work bag wasn't by my chair at home where I usually put it...and then wasn't at work... fears confirmed...somebody got in my car and took it... What did my work bag contain???... Our Family Ipad, My Kindle Touch, Vera Bradley bag and a Full size purple ARC notebook (pretty much filled with different photography poses that I liked)....I text Jake..and disable everything on my Ipad its in lost I filed a police report..My aunt calls with info someone around the corner from us found a lot of our mail. (which I know was in my bag)..SO I'll be picking that up today..... so calling the friendly "neighbor" and telling me to come pick my mail up whenever just shattered my hope I misplaced my bag....  Truly the electronics isn't a big deal..Yes I should lock my car (which I am starting to do) but it scares me and I don't care whether my car was unlocked..someone got into it and took my things...why are people that evil... I mean I'm going to go through some withdrawal...and my Son shed a few tears for a good 10 mins. yesterday after I told him...but It scares me and shakes my "security" I've never really felt unsafe but it just is a odd feeling someone thought to go through a perfect strangers car and trespass on our property...but here is a positive: they didn't steal my bible... granted they probably need that book and I shouldn't be so happy they didn't..but man.. My Bible is MINE... I love it..I mark in it highlight underline write thoughts down... our Assistant pastor at our church has his bible..and it looks worn and beat up from all the reading and studying that man has done.....I look at and think man- I hope mine looks like that someday... I want to wear my bible out..and after all that loss of material things..I'm just thankful and happy I still have the one thing that truly was the most valuable in my bag... so not having my Ipad..maybe my bible might get a little more wear and tear than normal :) 

I've been against getting a "maremma" guardian dog (it lives out with our sheep but it protects our property..well it will be "HIS") but since this happening...I've pretty much told Jake..I want one when we can get one.... when we went to go look at our dog Fly the seller had a few of those dogs..and when we were walking up to the house I seen it jump a 3-4 ft fence coming right at us wanting to know what we were doing and why this was a little midget with us(Stu).... I picked Stu up immediately b.c. the dog was staring giving him the eye down.. that particular dog hadn't been around kids enough to not be weary... but Anyways.. You get them when they are pups and bring them up with your animals..and they are great with kids if they are socialized with them..and are protective of their land and family from Strangers especially when the owners are not times it may be inconvenient to have such a dog..but I guarantee you it will scare the shit out of a unsuspecting thief! Here is what one looks like full grown: 

Another night this week I was able to put this sign in practice

When I pinned this on pinterest I knew exactly what it meant to me and was glad to share my experience and my thoughts with some of the people I love most... although some of it was embarrassing and some nervous laughs between us was bearable... 

Wednesday I had ANOTHER nephew born! His Name is Gage Reffitt! and he has DARK exciting..makes me excited to see what my Shania will look like...and gives me hope maybe I'll have a baby born with Dark hair!...I'm hopefully gonna see him tonight.... 

Last night was our first Women's Book/Bible Study... We are starting "The Christian Atheist"... so far its been good and the conversation last night between us was lovely..makes you feel not alone... I'm excited to see where it takes us in our faith...

Well- I gotta get going! :) ...I've got some work to do! 

Love you all and pray for my sanity and peace this weekend 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Shania Ross is on her way :)

I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is Tuesday! Today marks the end of a very busy week. It started with Wednesday & Thursday I had photo sessions, Friday was football night, Saturday was spent cleaning then got a break and did pictures in the even, and then Sunday was church day and then was spent cleaning some more and got away to do pictures in the evening again then ending with dinner with the whole family, and Monday was our little Baby #3 reveal!

Last week it was decided we were going to do cupcakes to tell our kids what we were having...We thought it would be polite to invite our parents and siblings if they wanted to come for dinner but not to fret that it was just for the kids and we would text everyone after...oh my lordy...can I tell you how loved we felt when 14 adults & 12 kids showed up!! was a full house that spilled into our back porch and yard...

A little sister will be joining Sondra & Stuart in our family. A little girl?! I think I felt relief. Leading up to Monday I kept telling Jake it will break my heart if Sondra is in tears...well she was happy and Stu was mad but got over it...getting a special ninja turtle pillowpet dreamlite may have swayed his Baby Sister to be his favorite sister for the moment too..

Another a hasn't really really sunk has but it hasn't... a sweet little gal... my immediate thought..what is she going to look like??? Will she look like Sondra...or be a peanut like Stuart? Will she have hair or I am so excited...what outfit will I bring her home in? It has to be a perfect outfit...I'm thinking a bonnet of course..and some type of layette set since it will be colder out since it will be February... :) I'm on the search
Stu in his Trucker outfit

Sondra in her Dress & Cowgirl boots w/bonnet
and this girly's name: Shania Ross Clum - we actually officially decided on this last Friday.. All along we had been talking Schuyler for a girl but we were not in love with do you explain that? we were talking about it..and Jake says well do you even like your name? Its a matter of you getting use to it.. lol...actually I really like my name and wished people would call me by my actual name!... its different..not the run of the mill kind of name.. many Jonelle's do you know??? So- like when we named our first 2.. we just wanted something unique but not way out then we started talking about other names and I threw out Shania...I love it.. I didn't think Jake would...he originally threw it out a few months ago... but he repeated it a couple was like...I could get use to that!... :)..I was officially excited to have either a boy or girl... I'll admit I was kind of hoping for a boy because we had a boy name picked out and I love it..but then we agreed on Shania...I was at complete peace! :) Her middle name is Ross...yes its a boys name...yes it is her father's middle name... yes I know..and no you don't need to give me other suggestions for other middle names...we pretty much had it in the beginning We would use Ross for either a boy or girl name... the only reason we not use it was if the girl's first name wasn't very girly.. hence why we were not completely in love with Schuyler..... and we just knew Shania Ross was it! :) :) 

It was so awesome to see an ultrasound... The lady kept saying the baby was moving so much..which I apologized for drinking a cup of coffee that morning.. :)...while waiting for our appt after the ultrasound we chatted with a dear friend and her daughter my friend was going for an ultrasound too :)...then after they were called back our old family doctor Dr. Tran came in and we chatted with him too!!!...a little reunion of sorts! :) ...makes me miss him!... 

BUT yes a girl!! The men in my house I think are just fearful b.c. they will be outnumbered...Jake's response was: He isn't sure if he can love another princess as much as Sondra...but my feelings is.. Daughters soften up their Daddy's...they love them tender.. maybe expecting Dad's are scared they won't teach their daughters how men are really supposed to love them...or what? I don't know..but Men always want Sons... they do.. that long need or WANT for someone to carry on their name...either way though... I know my babies' daddy will teach them how they are supposed to be loved and will Teach Mr. Stu how to love..

well- I need to get going!!!!! 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Women's Rights/19weeks!Gender/AuntTime/CheerUnderwhelm

Hello all :)

1. Wednesday Night Bible Study- I'm glad I got back to going once the kids club started again..the kids look forward to it..and I look forward to the "study"...when I mean study..we read verses and dissect it...we are in 1 timothy..and let me tell you what..its lively discussion...
it has made me really dive into my bible here lately...especially talking about women and their roles in the church... which ultimately made me question women in the they were treated how they were looked at....but ultimately how Jesus treated women.. as I started out last night trying to beginning looking in the right places about women in the bible..their roles at church..their roles in a marriage...then How Jesus viewed women..I was on to something but verses contradicted each other I thought... then looking this morning at a few articles... I have a better understanding of how I feel about it... If I'm ever a feminist its on these issues... as women it can be demoralizing to read the bible about their roles and what not...  Originally God created us equal but when Eve ate the forbidden fruit that is when things changed. Which I find irritating that it always comes back to EVE... either way...I don't think it would be a big deal to be submissive to a husband if 1. The husband loved his wife the way the bible says but also on the other hand I need to love my husband the way the Lord instructs wives to love their husband...hmm..i can see what this COULD turn into so I'll stop there... its just hard for me here lately studying Paul's writings in 1 Timothy because I feel like he is a "woman hater"... but ultimately I feel like he was talking to certain women in that time in certain congregations... my biggest hope or faith is the way Jesus broke from tradition with how he treated women. I'm still weary on if I believe or don't believe women should be pastors...or if wives should not work out of the home..or what is really a "submissive" wife or not one....or a lot of things..hmm I've stumped myself and will continue to read and study..and pray for wisdom for me :) ..oh and that I don't hate on Paul too much! 

I'm 19 weeks pregnant! and one day (today)... I can't believe it...I can't believe we will have our ultrasound next Monday at 8am!...I'm so excited! so we had been going back and forth how we wanted to tell our kids... if you have talked to them they are very adamant on what this baby is... either way we decided on a Cake.. thankful I have a awesome cousin that can bake anything agreed to make a cake for us. I'm excited to see the kids reactions!...Either way I will have a disappointed kid..I will...but I'm hopeful whichever one is disappointed takes it well :)...  Sondra did comment when we went to the zoo and her teacher's toddler son came along that maybe it would be okay if she had another brother since that little boy is so cute!...(Stuart was cute in the beginning too Sis didn't want to remind her of that) and also Stuart will have an episode where Stuart will say its a girl..but then quickly say No its a brother! lol...Jake says its a girl!!!...and really I'm most frustrated that I can't tell you my guess..its just IDK!... at times i think maybe this is a girl...but then I hear the heart rate and I think that's more like Stuart's numbers was... hmm....I can tell you I'll be thoroughly happy either way...and *hopefully* the baby cooperates and we can get serious about a name...we have a boys name..but not final on a we shall see...if you have any suggestions for a girl's name feel free to tell me!!!>..remember it has to start with a S and Middle name has to start with a R.... :) :) Thank you!   

this weekend was nice weekend... we stayed home Friday night since it was rainy out! Saturday we woke up and I made Breakfast bowels and burritos and me and Sondra went to Greenville with Grandpa &  Grandma Clum and Aunt Rachel & Kids to a bridal shower... love seeing our Greenville Clum family...then I did what I love most about being an Aunt...I got to watch my niece Kimberlynn- John & Katie's little lady. Which she was a doll of course....having a baby in the house made me kinda excited for ours to come..and holding her in my chair while she slept really made me want February to come even sooner..I can't help but boast but I have been blessed with some pretty cute Nieces and Nephews :)   ..but look at this little lady!  isn't she a doll!~  
Kimberlynn Jo :) 
Here is a funny...tonight Sondra has "cheerleader camp"... its Monday through Wednesday and then on Friday she cheers for a quarter at the oh this should be fun!.... I've really got to remind myself this is just one week and doesn't mean she will always want to cheer..and I need to be "supportive"..but while talking on the phone at lunch with Jake he says: "this sounds bad but I hope she has the most awful time tonight!".... lol... Right there with you..I do not look forward to the days where my evenings are full of plans and we have to run around... its coming..but I'm still enjoying the laid back life with kiddies!

Well I gotta get going!!!!... Hope all is well and pray for me this week is going to be busy... Thursday is head-shots..Saturday is Sibling shoot and Sunday is Family, individual kids which includes a *six week old*photo fun! 
PS. I have a special prayer request..I have a friend that is pregnant and needs prayer for a healthy and safe pregnancy. she is very early so not far a long and her first ultrasound is coming soon so please pray for good results... and pray for me and my ultrasound that is this Monday. that peanut is healthy and cooperates with us :)