Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I had a really great weekend :) Friday was spent going and getting apples in bellefontaine (i think) to make applesauce with. Stuart went right to this old Amish man that owned the store and Stu didn't want to come back. I was a bit surprised! Mom and me spent all night canning Chilli. And Jake went to the football game with my Dad. Saturday we woke up bright and early and Jake's parents came and picked the kids up for a trip to greenville and fun. Jake & Me went to my parents and we started cooking down the apples and canning away. Oh the smell of those apples. I was so neat watching something from begining and end and then just how great the stuff tastes...I could eat applesauce everyday. lol... I know its silly but I could. We made pretty colors too. Pink, purple, blue, and orange. Then for the night my mom had to go work so I made Jake, Dad, Jonas supper. I breaded and fried perch Jake caught at the Lake on his fishing trip. I also breaded and deep fried Mushrooms and this is going to sound so disgusting and I DIDN'T eat them but sheep testicles. lol.. how gross huh..also we had pan friend Goat steak....not a mis spelling...anyways... all of it was wonderful. While I was deep frying and breadin away I got my shower there b.c. my 5 year reunion was that night and we were cutting it close.
and this is when I had the idea... look how much work it takes to look presentable lol... I took a pic every step up the way.... This is right after my shower...fully clothed lol.. 
Wet Hair in my parents bathroom

All Blown Out...improvement

So after I blew my hair out guys got home and it was time to start deep frying. So..then as soon as I got home I started the hair and make up..... and clothes... how do you decide what to wear to your reunion. will I be under dressed or over dressed. Whats a girl to do. So I went with what I am good for... Cute jeans with bright pink heels and a purple shirt that had lace on the back not the whole back length didn't want to show off my back fat but just under the shoulders....
Finished Product with hair and make up!
man it takes a lot of work to get ready...which leads me to another do I or don't.. I'm really thinking about getting my hair cut..but I just can't bring myself to do it..IDK... only time will tell...I don't even know where to begin of how I'll get it cut..it use to be such a on a whim thing when I use to cut my hair..now its like a life decision lol..what a loser I have become lol...

So after many texts from my favorites..about you need to hurry up and get here....we finally walk in..now up to that point..I really didn't want to go. I wasn't even going to go until Jake "helped" make a decision..he said your going..its what your supposed to do lol..Thanks Babe.. 
the reunion was BYOB...which I was going to bring the Mike's that I had left over from the fair..but that was until I realized Jake drank them all.. lol..he drinks them like lemonade I swear... he is a man..isn't he supposed to only want beer..anyways..so we were walking out the door and Jake says want me to grab the rest of your morgan...which was maybe a shot..so I said ya which I really didn't even want that... anyways.. we get there... 2 people are like dancing.. my friends at a table... lol... everyone that was there were at their "tables"... nothings changed. So... what do I do... after a few mintues of sitting there thinking this is going to be a long night I decided its time to make our own fun... sober as a nun..I grabbed the one friend that would go out there and dance with the others and danced away... why not?... lol...I had a few people made comments like "Man we are gonna be hung over tomorrow"..which my reply was...NO I'm not... I'm sober lol...then half way through I was feeling a little left out since everyone was holding cups and dancing lol... so I went and got a coke and put the what little Morgan I had into and I couldn't even finish that. I"m not a drinker... my stomach can't handle it..just ask my best friend who sat behind me the last time I went froggys and on the way home I puked out the window and she was sprayed lol...since then... I haven't even had the nerve to really want to drink... so.. after Jake have already drank my girly drinks..I thought man I"m not even gonna buy anything... anyways... reunion was great..I wish more people would have come or really more people let go of their IDK.. insecurities..or "coolness" and have a good time and dance and jump around..after a while I went out and talked to the "cool" people outside... which was nice... one guy who I really wasn't close with but hung in the same circle made a comment about what I was drinking..and I said nothing... and he said really b.c. the way you were dancing... you looked it lol../..thanks...I think?... another "friend" asked me what was wrong with me... I use to have fun but since I got married I'm not... wow you A-hole thanks!... My reply;.."IDK (insert his name here) I guess I kind of grew up, got married, had babies..you know what your supposed to do"...but then the guy that just loved my crazy dancing "backed me up" and said oh no... I didn't think you were fun in HS...but Your hilarious now"... another back handed compliment?...lol... oh well... which to my point.. I didn't know what I was going to do when I got to my reunion..I was a bit scared seeing people I hadn't seen in a while..and them seeing me..I wasn't a skinny minnie in school but I certainly have put on weight..which makes me insecure.....but the moment I walked in and seen it was like "high school" I decided its never to late to make a fool of myself... and just have fun.... we stayed for a while but then a few of us ended up going to players...and we were there till about 2... 
still looking good through the night
Then it came to go home.. as much as I loved being with them...I knew I had to get up in morning and pick my babies up!
So here is me at the end of the night watching Wings reruns..which I did till about 4am... lol bad decision..
I look tired lol... 

when I woke up at 8am the next morning..I felt like I had a hang over...but then when I woke back up at 9 am..much better... 

Going out with friends makes me want make it a regular thing..not every weekend..but yes every so often...I have these people so close to me and yet why don't I make time for them..after sharing old funny stories or confessions with each other..I miss them... I don't think I have laughed like that in a long time.... 

the next morning when I awoke and was able to function my babies were immediately on my mind... not so much on Jake's find..I had to work to get him out of bed. Sure enough we made it there and Sondra answers Grandma and Grandpa's door in a Pink Bat Girl costume! lol.. I guess she slept in it and went to the "park festival"...i'm not sure what it is probably something like the pork Rhine festival but in Spencerville... but anyways Sondra wore it to there too I think.... either way if she did I can just imagine people saying..Who is that little girl? who does she belong too?..and then someone saying oh that's Jake Clum's little girl...and then to them..it probably makes sense lol..bahahaha... so funny...
Welp I must be going... I'll update later

Friday, September 23, 2011

Looking at a Baby :)...HighSchool All over again!

Sondra 2 1/2

You know those commercials that have the dads looking at their daughter in their car and she is a little girl but in the end they are all grown up...well I know that is long time from now.... but even now I look at her and see this chubby thing...this past year she has slimmed down so much it makes me sick! Her face is "skinnier"..and her legs are long and lean. The girl is in 5ts and I'm sure 6s are not too far away. I want to put a pause button on the girl.

Now Stuart his age now is so fun and entertaining.... I love it. He is so animated and colorful. My hears have been confirmed. Sondra will be a angel compared to him. He is so loud and nosey. Full of spit and vinegar. He hits screams throws himself back when he does not get what he wants. He'll even walk around kicking and throwing things when he is pissed. I'm pretty sure he gets his temper from his Daddy...which is fitting..b.c he is so in love with his Dad. Its ridiculous. I have yet to hear him call Mama when he sees me walk in...but oh no..Jake walks in he is screaming DaDaDa....<3... smile...as jealous as I am its OK. I know he loves me...but Jake is just a little shinyer than me right now. It was like that with Sondra too...they go through them Mommy and Daddy phases.   

tomorrow is my 5 year reunion... lol... well me and my friend had a plan to lose weight and all that for the reunion...well that didn't work out for me...when she texted me other day asked if I lost that 50 pounds my reply was to her :"You misunderstood me. I meant to lose 50 pounds for the 10 year" lol bahahaha... oh well...I guess I"m just still going to be that fluffy girl like I was in High School.... and I'm going to be prepared to have pictures of my kids to show classmates...which seems kind of silly to say it..b.c. everyone has Facebook..they can see my kid's pictures anytime really... I guess I should be prepared to tell them their latest funny story.. hmm.. that is what I'll do.  While we are at that the kids will be with Jake's parents all day! Oh ya Kid free day all Day. Normally I'm not big on that but I"ll be busy and I won't be sitting around going..man I miss my kiddies. Plus Sondra has been really excited about going asking everyday if today is the day she is going to Grandma and Grandpa Clum's. I think I need to work with her the days of the week b.c. its hard to explain to her. 

WElp I must be going..this long day I thought would never be over is almost over! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cleaning Fairy or Sondra ...15months Pics

This week has been a good week. Well not all of it..but most of it. All the regular shows are back and I am at loss of words. Like I have been reading so much- I call it my "other Man"...and this week I watched Modern Family..which was great and then tonight its Greys and Private Practice. Can't wait. Anyways...but tonight its really fun and funny...and great..and important. Tonight will mark one week and Sondra's room has been clean..and all the credit it due to her. This girl can never keep her room clean. LOL I wonder who she gets that from. Anyways.. so Last Thursday she was looking through a mag and spouting off about what she wants. So- I tell her not till Christmas. Well when Daddy got home she went to him asking him for this and that or whatever and he looks at her and says you know what Sondra if you can keep your room all clean for a whole entire week- I'll get you something special. It seemed like a pretty safe bet at the beginning. Her whole room was covered with toys from wall to wall. only free space was when you walked in where the door slid.. lol... So I went off to my women's fellowship meeting..and Jake and the kids did some running came home and did some more running I guess. When I got home they were not home. I did a few things and walked into the kid's bedroom for some reason and...GASP... it was all clean. Like really clean. I thought to myself.. dang ole Jake- he helped her. Well when they got home Sondra off to bed Jake then took Stuart to bed and he comes out and asks..."Did you clean Sondra's Room"...No..Did you???....that little brat... she knows how to clean...all by herself?? I usually have to sit on her bed and tell her what to pick up piece by piece. lol..no big deal..its clean... she'll mess it up soon... through the week it has got a little messy..but...she cleans it up..and when Stu interrupts it..she is a screaming for me to come get him.. lol...and then Tuesday night...after tidying it up..she says Daddy...come look at my clean room..lol... this girl has determination! lol... anyways..so today marks a week of a clean room...and we plan on taking her to town to get something special..

Stuart was 15 months yesterday..so what did I do..Pictures of course....he frustrated me a lot. He smiles all the time and when it comes time to take pictures..he won't. It really bugs me! Or he does smile and I don't get it in time...yesterday was definitely a time where I wish I would have one of those fancy cameras! Anyways..I'm debating about taking more but to think about it...I'm going to take some more when leaves begin to fall..and hopefully get the kid's pictures around Halloween so his good smile can wait... here is a preview :) 
Stuart Richard Clum - 15 Months
I think having pictures is so important. I sometime will be somewhere and think..man I should have taken  a picture of that. My kids will want their pictures someday to show their kids and grand kids and so forth. I always have wanted to get their pictures in intervals. And by the time Sondra was a year old I was doing that and finding it was so expensive and that is when I started trying to take their pictures myself. They are not always great as you can see on my Facebook from the beginning to now..but they are special to me and someday they'll be grateful that I did them. That is my dream someday. Whether its part time for extra cash or full time some crazy way..but I would like to provide people with pictures that don't cost them a arm and leg. I think my next thing is taking pictures of kids other than my own children. My next model sometime...nephew Jude :).. I want a picture of him & Stu... doing what..I don't know??.. but they are playmates for life... it needs captured. 

Well I must be going! Have a great day..maybe I"ll fill you in tomorrow :) 


Friday, September 16, 2011

HAIR Removal..your gonna die laughing

This seriously made my belly hurt from trying to keep in the hoopin and hollaring! a friend fowarded it on to me her sis in law posted it to her FB...she said it reminded her of our wax parties we had at her parents.. lol...its 8 minutes but its worth it...you'll laugh till you cry... i felt horrible...I was feeling her pain each time tried pulling it off my stomach seized like it does all the time when I wax... lol..but this time i just laughed in her face bahaha.....

TY my friend for brightening up my day..I had a horrible nights sleep and not a very pleasant morning..so this just made me laugh... :)

as lovey dovey as I want you to think me and my husband are I just can't. How is it..I can hate him so much but can't get enough of him b.c. I love him so much. How do I look at him and just get pissed off but yet..I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with him. does any of this make sense? lol...

SO..I got football Friday night tonight...wish us luck :) a W in our book I'd say is just improving. That that is what we are wanting to do! also Women's fellowship went great last night besides the fact I didn't know how to run a meeting and forgot to ask someone how until we started the meeting..I got some learning..but I'll be a pro by the end of the year when we re elect officers.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nothing in Particular...I'll have more tomorrow probably

Where have I been since last I wrote...a lot of places...
Friday was so nice... Red Lobster was delicious. I wish I could go again! lol... The game was fun too... got to hold little Ainsley when we visited the Spencerville side.... Mustangs lost too..which is a common theme these days which these times shall pass...these next few years are going to be tough..but I think AE Football can handle it..
I don't know what gotten into me but I actually put on some make up..real time make up..like liquid eye liner and all.. see that sexy eye ;)
My Sexy Eye Make up..I sent a pic to my friend b.c. I knew she would be proud :) 

Which here is such a funny..Lace sent me this picture and puts I think this explains our friendship...

I could not agree more.. ..even her own husband seen it said that it reminded him of me and her...lol that is the depth to our long friendship. She came over Friday night..and ended up staying till the wee hours of Saturday morning... hmm..like it was close 3am when she walked out my door... lol... we hadn't really sat down and "talked" in a long while..and so it was nice to reconnect instead of  pointless small talk... which..after it all was said and done..I realized when I laid in bed..that Lace had been there for hours and I didn't even think to ask her to tweeze my eyebrows...fail.... how could I not of asked her... the eyebrows will just have to suffer till she is home again.

So at fair time my Mom let me pick out colors for a blanket she was making me... at first she didn't like the teal I picked with pink and purple but she went ahead and made it anyway... well she finally go it done..I wanted one to fit my bed instead of using a comforter I am using this...and I love it :)...now I need to get my room painted!

 So Jake was gone the past 2 days on a fishing trip.. How fun huh? The 1st night home with the kids wasn't bad. I enjoyed my quiet time after the kids went to bed. but last night..when I was waiting on Jake to get home it seemed like hours...I was trying to keep the kids up to see Jake but it got too late and my nerves were near ending...so I reluctantly put them to bed... Jake finally got home with a a couple bags of fish that I'm pretty excited to fry up! hmm....so good. But it was so adorable.. Sondra woke up with morning that is very unusal she usually is dressed half asleep and carried to car..but she woke up and came to our bed and just perked up and cuddled with her Daddy! She was so excited to see him!

Last night Andrea came over with the kids and the kids played like wild animals.. screaming yelling running in our small little house... she brought over a whole bunch of clothes for Stuart which I'm eternally in debt of her and Joel. I don't know what I would have done without them. I know some people are above hand-me downs..but this lady isn't..and neither will her kids be.I went through them all last night and sorted them and boxed the ones that he can't wear at the moment and I am so excited! He is already cute..but the clothes are cute too which will look great on him!

so what are my plans for this weekend...I have not a clue...hopefully nothing lol... I really need to be better organized. I have my 1st women's fellowship meeting tonight which I hope there is a great turn out... we are making dessert and vanilla ice cream...me and Jess are hosting... :) Please give me courage..I can manage talking in front of people..but It still makes me nervous!..

Sondra last night after her friends left and it was getting closer and closer to bed comes out in the living room and puts down her "teacup" Piggy and says: Mom I'm ready to show my pig...this is what she was wearing:
Sondra in a Bra and skirt equiped with a backpack and a  golf club she ripped the end off for her "pig whipper' and a dog  collar &leash wrapped around her piggy..

 I just couldn't keep a straight face looking at her enthusiasm... lol she loves animals!

until next time dolls :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Busy Busy Busy.. baby love at the end :)

Friday..oh beautiful Friday.. I have missed you all this week even if it has been a short week... its been a busy one!...
Tuesday was canning time..we started making Spaghetti sauce out of the tomato juice we made the other night. then Wednesday night we cut up more tomatoes and started cooking them down... I think next we are going to make vegetable soup or beef stew not sure which...we are thinking about making chili too and canning it. Either way..I'm happy.. I like this canning thing..we are waiting on tomatoes to be ready to pick...and if anybody has any extra tomatoes that you do not want..just let me know!... I'd be glad to come over and pick them and take them off your hands.
whelp tonight is the football game! I love football games..hopefully though it doesn't rain..b.c. I don't like football games and rain.. that's the worst combo...one really great thing is we are going to RED LOBSTER before the game b.c. its Endless shrimp~!... I seriously can't remember the last time I ate there... that's sad..I'm going to eat and eat some more..maybe till I burst... lol.. oh well..

and update on my phone..I still love it... there are certainly some quirks about it..but I keeping it! :)

I have a lot going through my head.. a lot I can't really share or really want too...isn't that the first time huh?
I will however ask for your prayers. I need prayer for my  future and the right opportunity to come my way. I very badly want to be able to get out from under our home. It is what will hold us back from expanding our family if we don't sell it. We have not even took the steps in selling it but we are moving in that direction. I'm just afraid like many families we will be stuck b.c. when we bought our house it was when nothing was in AE and prices were high and we had to pay high. Just pray! We aren't anywhere close to wanting to expand our family...but when the time does come..hopefully the house situation won't be a issue....

I for the 1st in my married life do not have real baby fever... like..I in general think I am a baby person. I love to hold smell hear babies... but for the first time in my life...I like doing a the above said things...and give the baby back. I'll say oh how cute..I want to keep em...but ultimately...when I get home and sit down and watch Stuart..and Sondra..I just think to myself..I'm not ready to love another as much as i love these 2. I absolutely want to have more kids..but right now I can't imagine loving one more just as much. I debate within my self If I am loving or paying too much attention to either of my kids at all times..imagine throwing another one in there.    

I went to a Lia Sophia party. You know I am not a big jewelry person. I like my diamonds...but I don't wear much more than that. I have a bracelet I wear from time to time.. but anyways... I won a necklace last night...and well I wore it today..its like my neck feels restrained lol..does that make sense.. I see my sis and sister in laws wear it..and think how cute it is..but its like I put something on and think...I must look ridiculous lol.. if Lia had a better price point..I'd been more apt to buying it...

Which talking about these home parties I am still on the edge of jumping into being a Thirty One Consultant... I'm just divided. I would love it. Make extra money... I really want to buy a nice camera..that would help me.  But it would also take me away from my kids..and put it on Jake to keep them when I would have a party to do... He is busy as hell... I don't think it would work out... hmm...shoot..I love this company. I could certainly see myself selling it. only if I didn't have to work for a living...

9/11 is coming up... it has lots of meaning for me..

Saturday is Jake's cousin's wedding. I love weddings..but can one be weddinged out... we have another wedding next week... then the class reunion the following weekend.. can't a girl just get a break!... I love doing nothing important all weekend...

Stuart Love= this morning it was just me and Stuart b.c. Sondra stayed the night with Jess and on the way to Melissa's... I would turn and look at him and he would just give me this big ole smile... :)... He already has such a loving heart. He gives kisses freely. (unlike his sister...which isn't a bad thing) and loves whole heartily already. Stuart is everything I had dreamed in a 2nd baby and little boy.

Sondra... lol.. oh my... Wednesday when we were at my parents canning... she is asking Alfred questions and she asks... "do you have a girlfriend"..."what is your girlfriend's name"... Alfred reply... "Noneya"...and Sondra not catching on says.."well I don't like her".. .lol.. I asked her when she came over why it mattered to her...and she tells me it doesn't matter but she don't like Alfred's girlfriends... lol... she is a jealous thing... She has done that with all the girls anybody has dated. Its a known fact Jordan's girlfriend Brittany would punch Sondra in the face.. lol well it was a fact according to Sondra... now Sondra is pretty partial to Brittany.

welp I gotta get going..gotta put my make up on and finish whatever needs finished here at work.. much love... I'll try to update later.. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Endless unfinished Confessions Late/Early in the morning

sssooo... its 3:53 in the morning... wow....when has it been the last time that I was up at this time and not taking care of a crying baby....hmm... can't recall..but I'm grinning sheepishly.

So this has been on my mind... I am finding hard to concentrate to someone when they get real "salty" about a person...like... I'm probably contradicting myself... I'll "explain"... people never stay the same..they change, the "evolve"... hopefully into something better... well these said people aren't the same..but sometimes I look at them and only see what they were... I would not be a very good God b.c. its hard for to think who I am today God has forgotten everything I did to get where I am. what changed me moved me... and made me realize..hey maybe doing that isn't such a good idea....maybe he is right... anyways to the point....everyone has a past they are not proud of..but I worry like people I see before I actually really grew up and I wonder if they think..oh ya thats Joie.. remember when she did...blah blah balh.. remember when she got in trouble and for blah blah balh...i don't think I was a horrendous kid..but also according to Jake I was a lot worse then him...but hey everyone can't be perfect lol..love you... ..and I wonder if they look at me with that same saltly attitude and can't see me now for who I am....I also have some people so fooled well not fooled but really just didn't go to school with me and are embarrassed to say PISS in front of me. lol....but also weirdly..I had someone in my church make a comment to me very harmless... oh you were a wild child..I heard about you..I was talking to someone about you the other day at work....1. How would my name come up in a conversation to begin with and 2. that very moment heat rose up to my neck and self doubt and guiltiness crept on me.... it makes you second guess forgiveness..I was young and very dumb...only difference now is I'm young/dumb/2 kids/a faithful husband.... I done things so irresponsible like "all kids do"..but man if my  own kids do some of the things I did..I'd rip them apart with my bear hands and wonder why my own parents didn't do that themselves...hey I was the baby..maybe they were just use to it..lol... hmm more unfinished thoughts...this could be a theme tonight

I have people in my life especially a best friend that I what maybe 4 1/2 5 years wouldn't have spat on her if she was dying of thirst in a desert...but some how in this funny life...we became best friends... hmm... lol...anyways...she really isn't what I am really talking about above- I'm saying that now b.c. a lot of people who aren't as close to me or haven't seen me in a while see me with her and get back with me later ..and go...wait??? I thought we use to hate her?? ....heh...shows how sad I was. Or really how immature I was... not that is was fully one person's fault to why we didn't get along in the beginning...but anyways I guess thats what happens when you grow up.

also... which how uncomfortable it is to admit... but why do people call themselves "uncles" and "aunts" to kids when they are not?and I know its light heart and with all my nephews and nieces I always feel this way every time anyone does it but also ... I think into my own situation. We do not do that with our own kids. They have great Aunts Uncles and Grand parents.... but also I am referred to a Aunt with 2 different families..like I just didn't look at the kids and say..I am your aunt Joie and that is what your supposed to call me... I look at it as- being in the situation... I feel honored that I am looked upon that way and they regard me in that way. Not that I don't feel that great admiration the other way around but I can see why and am very willing to step up b.c. maybe this is me here- the kid's blood aunts/uncles aren't exactly up to par... and each family is very different...like its a unspoken bond ..

like with Sondra.....she heard them (both families) refer to me as Aunt Joie and she caught on...so not wanting to confuse her I told her that's your "Fake Aunt/Uncle"...they could be your Aunt/Uncle as much time we spend with them and love to be with them..but they are not mommy or Daddy's brother and sister..that seems to work..... but on the other end... with my nephews and niece I see that..and I'm a bit jealous...lol.. how sad is that??.. but I got to remember that every situation isn't the same...I know within my family being a aunt/uncle is like a club ya know...being in that club you get to pick on..spoil....embarrass..be updated..cutest pictures you can display...and be "surrogate" parents to... so its kind of exclusive club..I guess this is just a proud Aunt Talking lol... :)... I don't even know where I am going with this really...its been on my mind..because I am not one way or the other..but in the middle..is this relevant with anyone at all really....or will you be asking someone if you read Joie's blog and how lame she is lol......
.really... I am very proud of my Nephews and Niece including surrogates and soon with Mel/Jonas have another one on the way...and before we know it Kayla will be next and Jess to become pregnant..and then I'm sure Rachel's kids will be close together...My goodness..its like I went from one to 3 and its just seems like its going to explode...and I know and am happy to report I am excited for each and every additional Niece and Nephew to come I'll have pictures to show off...also to note I am going to have complete green eyed wanting another baby myself with everyone have the babies...sadly.

.IDK..I'm not too sure when the 3rd one will be..we always said when Jake is 30 we are done..and then its me when I am thrity..and now after our birthdays...both of us having the same outlook like... we were supposed to be in a "different" place in our life at this point..but you know.. after feeling duped after hearing that from the Mr. and even me thinking the same thing...I have come to the point is...we are here and we will make the best of it...you can only live each day to the fullest...although financially we are not where we want to be...housewise we weren't supposed to be here after 5 years...and we were supposed to done having kids in 4 years.... I'm to the point that isn't going to happen..and the only thing you can plan on in life is Death & Taxes (courtesy of my Dad telling me that one day...idk why that stuck with me..he would probably be sad at that fact too) also while thinking and laughing to myself one more saying stuck in my head: "if all the ifs and buts were candies and nuts- Oh what a happy man I'd me or its oh what a happy Day that would be"....lol sorry Dad..maybe I should have paid more attention to the important life lessons in life...

I think I have been here there up down all night... I can't think straight... I have had so much in this brain about stuff... I think i just may be ADHD... this is all over the place...
also one funny ...Monday Night my Inlaws come over...to drop off Jake's Bday present..we are sitting and talking and they ask Sondra..Sondra what does Mommy want for her birthday?...and you can't deny my girl isn't looking out for me..."Mommy wants More jewelry" lol..oh I love that curly unruly child..  one good point though I have gotten her out of Fair Mode...beat it out of her really..but now camp out is this weekend..so she'll be back to running wild...and I will soon have to reign her back in come Monday Night.

another thing to think about...wait I got to stop I'm confusing you and its almost ten till 5... I'm gonna regret this one...for the time and for spilling everything out on the table... hate me love..I am who I am ( I hate that saying) but it is fitting for me...maybe...wee hours in the morning you become deathly honest and can't help it... that'll be my excuse if anyone shall ask about this post...

well I got to be going...still not one bit tired...maybe I'll watch Tv...I do however see a nap in my immediate future at camp out.. hopefully Stu and Sondra are easy on me tomorrow... Much Love...

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Its my birthday and I'll do what I wanna... that's right..I wanted to go to work today! lol...nooott....but I never want to go to work but I have these two little things called Sondra & Stuart... lol...work isn't bad tho...set steady hours...work with my family..who I know will always try to work with me if there is a problem...retirement... whats there not to love...

so its my birthday.... man I wish I was little again... today..really isn't anything to me. I don't feel special... I feel like any other day..except this morning I will note...the 1st thing my husband did this morning when he woke up is: he told me happy birthday. MY birthday...hmm.. 24 years old. eeehhk... I don't feel that old. I know it isn't old but I don't even feel that age... I still feel like a kid and still wonder why these people or anybody thinks I'm allowed to have kids lol... I look at my kids and just wonder... I wonder if someday they'll tell their friends or own kids reasons why they are they way they are b.c. they had this crazy Mom.. lol.. they'll probably make me pay for their therapy lol... Sondra has grown up believing there are dog cops and that there is a rule that you are only allowed to have more than one dog or they dog cops will come get you and take both of them. lol I don't not even feel guilty about that b.c. I grew up believing if you ate the crust on your PB & J sandwiches your hair would go curly..I badly wanted curly hair...and this is what my Mom told me lol... also..another one that just may be true...I was probably idk 6 or 7 and asked my sister when I'd get boobs. She told me if I massaged them they would grow big.... lol... that is my favorite one..which my sis likes to rag on me about that one..but keep in mind she is 10 years older then me..so she had of been 16 or 17 when she told me that... so how cool were you huh lol... but I agree I know your mumbling ..but it was funny...and yes Jess I agree....

so what are my big plans for my birthday... a Mater Canning Party at my parent's house...man I feel special lol.

You will never beleive this..but we finally got some motivation to clean our house up..and last night we got it done...not a up and down completely clean but its manageable and worthy enough for someone to come in..little by little I'll pick a room at a time totally strip piece by piece and do what is necessary. so unexpected guests...you come right over... lol.... i hate unexpected guests...lol..so fair warning please send me a text or call before come over

Also..I never realized how many people have read this... I don't want to brag but I have had over 4,000 hits... that's probably really small compared to the real bloggers..but I always looked on my profile views and thought that was how many views on my blog which was 250 but then I stumbled across the "stats" tab and looked..OH my! I wonder who all you guys are. At fair a few people told me they read my little blog and to keep it up that it was quite entertaining and well I felt... well flattered.

I am so itching to cut my hair... like bad.. I don't know why all of a sudden again..long hair is sooo easy... but I think its getting excessively long lol.. does that make sense... like.. its really heavy... i love it..a friend well more a acquaintance at the fair asked if I had extentions in... lol really...then the next day a friend of a friend asked the same thing....i thought to myself..maybe that's the cue its time to cut it... Jake won't be too happy to read this..but Hun.. just think about it..I probably won't get the nerve to do it anyways...

also.. i don't know if this is shallow or not...but 68 plus people have wished me a happy birthday on face book :). Its a sweet feeling ...so I always try and make sure to wish everyone a happy birthday on there when I can...

So Stuart got his hair cut last sunday. It looks so funny..He has a little white stripe down the middle of his head from his mohawk...lol... but my Dad calls him Pumpkin head..and now well it looks really like a pumpkin head...its funny,,

also... so..this was so outta the blue...I really didn't plan on it..but I ended up getting a new phone..and I LOVE it.. so the last time I upgraded I originally wanted this phone..seriously I did my research but in the end at the time this phone had a data package and I just couldn't justify spending money on a data package when sit in front of a computer everyday and have access to it at home...but when I was looking through phones the other day...the simple ones..just entertaining myself..I seen my dream phone as a Feature Phone in other words the category should be "People that don't have the money to spend a arm and a leg for a fancy smanchey phone" (which if you have those fancy phones...I'm green eyed jealous of you and someday I will have me one! that day just isn't this year or next)...anyways..it was first sold as a smart phone..it's Microsoft's phone its a Kin Onem..it didn't go over too well they pulled them and now brought them back to probably recoup some money b.c. or IDK..but I don't care...its the perfect "non" Smart phone for me..I'm a big texter..I hate talking on the phone.. I hate to fill the gaps with aimless talking..but It has a 5 megapixel camera... touch screen...slide down keyboard... and best part is..wifi capable..so if there is wifi I can get on without a data package....and even better it has a music player which is basically a Zune..microsoft's "iPod"..so really I call this phone..Microsoft's version of the I phone..but a step down b.c. its really not a "smart phone".and just to protect myself I got the extended warranty if anything mechanically goes wrong with it in 2 years so I should be fine.... lol... anyways... Have I confused you enough for today??... lol

Well I gotta be going
I got to get my kiddies..and then get myself to the Canning Party!