Saturday, October 11, 2014

Life as I know it

Hello All! J J
I can’t believe it is October. Where has the time gone? This past 24th hit me hard. Shania turned 7 months?????!!!!! Where has the time gone?? She is army/semi normal crawling everywhere. She is all banged up because she pulls herself up everywhere. And she has a strong affection toward me her Momma. Which I figured it would happen being her primary caretaker but still. Its love hate thing. Mostly hate I won’t lie. If someone is holding her and I’m out of view its fine. It’s the part where she sees me and someone else is holding her. I haven’t parted with her very much. I’m trying to break her of the bottle and then hold till she falls asleep thing. Once I feed her and get her to lay down on her own I would like to leave her over night IF I could find a babysitter. Even typing that though makes me nervous. I was this same way with Sondra. Stuart I practically gave him away. Lol…maybe its because they are my girls. I don’t know. 

One accomplishment: I finished exclusively pumping. My first goal was to make it a full year but I'll be honest I was going nuts. Having this experience I know now what I will do for my next baby. I'm pretty proud that I made it close to 7 months exclusively pumping. Pumping is so inconvenient and I'm mad at myself that I thought that was the smarter easier thing to do for me. I am though proud. I'm proud I did that for Shania. I can tell you that the more formula I mix in with my frozen stash the more she spits up which was a very rare occurrence before. So I don't know what to do. Is it just normal or does she need a different type of formula. I'm not sure. But I do  know my milk didn't make her spit up. 

Life in the Clum household is going good. Our house as always is a bit chaotic. After 7 months being home I still haven’t got a spick and span home. I never find time to update you my blog. As I write all these things I think of a dear friend that told me that she missed seeing my creative side but understood that I was living the best times of my life. And well- I’d have to agree.  I was having a “difficult” Sunday that day and its exactly what I needed to hear from someone that was a working mom. Someone to not so directly remind me what I have and what these times in front of me are. I know this won’t last forever and I’m living for the moment. If you would have asked me 2 years ago if I would be a stay at home Mom and I would have laughed in your face. My big thing was I’d always work because someday I want to retire and not worry about money. That the kids will leave someday. And as I spouted  those words my next words would be BUT I do wish I could stay home. It was true. I have/had this strange relationship to my parental duties to my professional desires. I was am still very passionate for both fields. I love to be able to stay home and soak in the time. The special library trips, breakfasts, playing, giggles, and  ect with my family. But also- I have a desire to go back to school to do something that helps people. Will it happen I don’t know. I think once Stu goes to school things could change and maybe I’ll look into school again.  

Totally off subject- but PLEASE watch how you talk about your kid’s friend’s parents. This was a few months ago- but still rubs me the wrong way until I seen this sign on pinterest that kind of put it in prospective.  The sign reads:
Anyways- one of Sondra’s friend’s Mom doesn’t think I’m a “nice person”. The only thing that bothers me is if this little girl told adults- did she tell her and Sondra’s friends when they got to school? Was this going to affect Sondra? When I first heard this- I racked my brain and thought why would she think this? She is much older than me, never went to high school together, never have shared friends- so if she thought I was a mean person on the OLD immature high school girl me which even then I was never a mean/bitchy person. And if I’m not a nice person on the current me- I don’t know what to say. J   So fellow parents- being on the hurtful end of these type of situations- please watch what you say about your children’s friend’s parents. You may not like them for one reason or another- but you don’t have to insult them. 

Womens fellowship as started also! Its always fun and I look forward to the fellowship. I’m doing crafts for the retreat this year again too!...Last year I was a bit embarrassed. I didn’t take into account how busy I would be with a newborn. I feel like I lacked last year. So this year I’m excited and already getting ideas. I have so many baby food jars that I want to do a craft with those. I’ve always wanted something to hang that had everyone in my family’s birthdays. So I want something like that and also I’ve always wanted something to hang my kid’s artwork. Like something special that is everywhere right hopefully do that one too. Who knows though I’m excited!!!

Sunday school has flamed my heart desire to studying/reading my bible. In class we do these "talk sheets" where we ask questions about situation ect ect. One week I forgot the book and so I was kind of flying off the seat of my pants b.c. the kids weren't really talking about school so I had my bible there and the kid's were talking about their sports ect and this and that... and it hit me... I asked the class what translation was their bible was. Some didn't understand the question I was asking. One said well its a "pink" bible. Some of these kids that all told me they had bibles but obviously wasn't reading them. Then I started asking who can tell me they read their bible everyday on their own... 2 said Me!..I then said the bible verse of the day app DOES NOT count!..okay only one kid. WOWZER I thought in my head. What about ONCE a week on their own? Not many Yeses either... jeeze.. I was strange when I was growing up. I can say I actually read my bible a lot and not because my parents made me. It fascinated me but yet I should have applied it more to my life may have kept me out of more trouble. Anyways- we ended class with this: Go home figure out what your bible translation was. Also for the following week bring back a bible verse and you will need to tell us what it means to you. It doesn't have to be your favorite just a verse. Also bring your bibles. The following week most of the kids had their verses. Some knew a verse but wasn't sure where it was in the bible. Some you could tell they were very genuine about the assignment and did it and just didn't show up that morning and pick something quick. So at the end of class   new homework. 2 people from class agreed to bring back their favorite bible story. The following week they read them and we discussed them. We are continuing to do that. Which I think it surprises all of us. Yea we hear these stories as young  children but then never actually read them as adults. You miss out on some details. So as you can tell I'm feeling fulfilled. I'm picking my bible up more. 

Well I must be going!! Pray for Miss. Shania..she is cranky on and off. I don't know if its teeth, or ears, or just a plain cold. But I'm sorry for this choppy update and hope to see you soon :)