Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Wrap UP! :) oh Friday I need you now!

Man oh man is Christmas really over? As fast as it snuck up on me it has went away fast too... which I appreciate b.c. I am ready for this weekend of doing absolutely nothing! :) well I'll have to chase my crazy children around..but still I won't be stuck in some gym fighting with my 2 kids about sitting down or telling them no. also I won't be in a car traveling to whatever family thing I need to do next... :).

I had a really great Christmas! I got many things I wanted and many things I was pleasantly surprised and happy that I got!.. I my purse I picked out that Kayla offered to buy me for my gift..which when I seen it again..I fell in love with it again..and still love it... I got a faberware cook set from my In laws which I asked for some new pot and pans..and I am so happy I got!..A new blue plaid pea coat..that I absolutely love...Blue Plaid..I know right... see picture..totally cool... I got the essentials from my Mom and perfume..socks...PJs.. One of my favorite things would have to be from my SIL & BIL a picture frame with my kid's hand prints on it and then a bible verse: for this child I prayed :)... and then I even got a new gift card for my kindle..which was great too.. I love to read but hate paying the I usually stick to my free books..but when I get gift cards I look on my wishlist that I compile and start reading what I have been waiting to read..

Sondra- she started this season w/only
the Belle Doll. She insists sleeping w/all
her Princess Sisters. :)
So... With Christmas parties over..Jake and I talked about getting a Ipad he wanted one for several reasons I really can't remember but I wasn't really sure but with not much argument from me(b.c.I have a itouch and love it)  I forked over my Christmas money and practically had to talk him into then. I never thought I would buy one thinking man they are so expensive..but man..they are pretty fun...oh..and Sondra... she knew how to work it better then we met in town after I got off work..and Jake had to go to a wrestling meeting so I took the kids home and Sondra's first question as we drove off...Mom- I hope you have the iPad!??...I say ya Sondra why...and she says..I sure hope you have MAD BIRDS on it... lol..huh Mad Birds? What is that..You know Mom ..Taylor Brown @ wrestling she had this game that has these birds who are really mad! and you throw them... lol hahaha..Oh Sondra..yes we can put Mad Birds on the iPad..and she breezed through the first three levels like nothing lol... I have had to remind her that she has her own Pad and the iPad is Mom & Dads..
This is how you do it Mom!

Stuart has been one crazy little guy! :) He is so hard to handle and he has one major temper! One new development he has done this week...He bit Sondra on the check. And not a little bite she had a mark on her face kind of bite! I asked Sondra if he did it on accident and she tells me no Mom..he was mad! Wow... Sondra was a crazy biter. She would bite herself she got so mad!... so this.. does not surprise me just don't want to go through this stage again..not with my "sweet" little Stuart! - other than that he had a great Christmas too.. it was so cute seeing him open presents. Starting on Christmas eve he was a little shy and not really sure about tearing the paper open..well by Monday..he was a animal that could not be stopped. It was a bit scary lol... also...on Christmas Morning... he opened up his Lions and tigers figures and he would point it at you and growl... then my over zealous child would get so excited while growling he would throw them at you..not a good time...also..his face..when I took out his Cowboy woody adorable :). He had the perfect smile making him talk and getting his hat on just right... I love that boy...
MySon- The Monster

What else has been going on??.. hmm..I really don't know.  I am just trying to make it to friday... so I have a three day weekend..through the week I have been trying to put Christmas stuff away little by little. I have the tree down. And some of the presents put away too.....

also..I have one funny story...I don't see much humor in it..but IDK you probably will... well when  I figured out I was having a boy when I was pregnant..I had these reservations as too..will i really be able to handle a boy..they are so different... nasty creatures... my first thought about little boys are...they are always grabbing at themselves or picking their noses... lol... and are always dirty and smelly..well I was right... So as do all boys and little girl toddlers..when you change them their hand immediately goes to their privates..they just do... anyways..We are at my In laws in Spencerville..and Sondra always has her grandma massage her back with a handheld plastic thing that you roll over your back..well for Christmas they got her one like they have but it vibrates..well Stu took it..and you would hear him through out the house where he turned it on and was putting it on things...then it got really quiet... looked for him..and he was sitting beside a chair where we couldn't see him... I find him..and he is sitting on the ground with the present vibrating between his legs lol... STUART!...that nasty little boy..  had a smile on his face the whole time lol..

This is me in my pretty coat I wanted to show you...when I hear
"blue plaid" good thoughts don't come to mind..but this coat..
its just way too cute :) 

PS I still Love my hair...  :):)..I went out before the sun came up Monday and bought a new straightener b.c. I just couldn't wait no more..and am very happy..I straightened it that morning... and didn't need to straighten it till I washed it again....Love it :)... next..Sondra is going to get her hair straightened... :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

HairDrama and Christmas RoundUp

So- these last few weeks I had been contemplating cutting my hair. Not that I really wanted to...but it just felt like it was time... It was getting very long..and would get ratty very easily.. which I know brushing solves that problem..but who hey...I don't like doing that lol... anyways..It was last Thursday that I decided I at least needed to get a hold of my cuz Megan for at least a trim..then..push come to shove I just know what Hair grows back. There was a reason why I started growing it out and now I'm just too comfortable feel too safe..I use to at a whim would whack my hair completely off..I remember one time...I had Megan cut my hair and I said take it all off..I don't want no length lol... so how did I get so hung up on my long hair...I'll have to say it was so easy...I'd wash it and let it be..Or if I wanted to be fancy I'd wash it and blow dry it lol...or if I was moving on up that day I'd straighten it too.. lol... oh well... and another point...I don't think nothing is sexier on a woman is a head of Long Dark light heads...ya its cute I some days wish I had it..but dark hair is sexy! :)
so I find this picture of what I would like my hair to somewhat look like and send it to Jake...and ask what he thought about it... he said No... lol.. my reply..."Its happening..the date is set!"... lol... told him not to tell anyone..b.c. I didn't want to be talked out of it..and when I say talked out of it..I mean somebody would be like oh I just love your hair and that would talk me out of it...long hair is sentimental lol.. so... as the days passed...I really tried hard not to tell I couldn't take it... I knew my sis in law had said before when I was contemplating cutting my hair that if/when I did..she wanted to come along.. lol...and then I broke down.. needed more advice and called Lace my girl that says..that will good or oh no Joie..don't even fall in love with won't look good...I get her approval and then I'm so so excited.I even straightened it for the last time last weekend b.c. I knew I wouldn't do it during the week.. I didn't want to say anything to anyone b.c. I was a bit nervous to cut it...and didn't want to make a big to do and then chicken out lol.I even lied to my mom when she asked me what I was doing lastnight..told her I had lots of baking to do lol......

in all its straight glory lol 

really loving it!
and let me tell you ..last night as I sat down to get it cut..I was nervous and thinking in my it too late to turn back now lol...
One big thing though..I love it :)... I played with it all night..and had such a weird feeling of how light it feels. I loved how Meg straightened my
 hair and have decided I need a new straightener but I knew I had to wash it... I didn't want to b.c. I'm always afraid I'll never be able to make it look like how she did it..but anyways I took my chances... and I'm washing my hair...barely had to put any shampoo in it or 
I even like it with glasses..even better

conditioner.. money there..and it                                
was super fast to soaking my hair in conditioner and brushing it and leaving it in for a while... I dried it..only used one towel last night :)... and played with mentioned before my flat iron isn't up to I'm going to go shopping for a better one..but I was amazed this morning after taking a few minutes to run a flat iron through my hair that I still loved my hair cut :) ...I'm usually in such remorse the morning doesn't sound good...anyways..but today I still loved it.. that's a big step! lol.. also worth mentioning I am able to donate 13 inches to locks of love :) 
I'm a dork I know
So Christmas time is here..I haven't got one present wrapped sad is that...I'm afraid to b.c. I know Stuart would open I have waited. But tonight I have to get all the homemade stuff done because tomorrow we are going to Jake's parents to have Christmas. Which makes me super nervous because they will be my first experiments on the whole home made gifts go. I've spent close to what I normally spend- put I think its more thoughtful. Instead of meaningless stuff they really don't want- at least I know the things I made can be something they can enjoy :). I go both ways....I love homemade stuff and then I like it when people just surprise me and I end up really using what they got me. :) and for my Niece and Nephews I bought them toys or clothes..b.c. lets face it...its what they want lol.. So after Jake's parents we will head on over to my Grandpa's for Christmas Eve as usual...
Stu @ Allen County Tourney 12/17
 It will be nice seeing the family.... Then On Sunday.. we will get presents and gifts... then.. head to Sunday school... go home for a bit I imagine..go to Reffitt's @ my Aunt Lavanda's and Uncle David's around 1pm... then finish at my parents house for their Christmas..and when I say Finish I mean for the day...b.c. then Monday we head to Greenville for the afternoon for Christmas with the Clum's :).. how fun :) ...I can't wait to see everyone... We have one busy weekend ahead of us..Please pray for me that I get all the wrapping and baking done...and also...that I survive :) 
This is Winnie our cat... sad to say but her days are
numbered here lately..hopefully she survives... lol

Funny Pic my Bro sent me of Stu & Jude during the week..

The Original Grandma's Girl

The history of our grandparents is remembered not with rose petals but in the laughter and tears of their children and their children's children.  It is into us that the lives of grandparents have gone.  It is in us that their history becomes a future.  ~Charles and Ann Morse

Today is just one of those days.... 2 years has gone by since Grandma passed away...I still miss her... I can say though it doesn't hurt "as much"... I can say not as many tears have fallen like they did last year.the tears have been replaced with remembrance.....but today they are flowing for some reason... please not at work I beg...why doesn't my body obey me?.... either way..I woke up got ready... put my "armor" on... (doused myself with Grandma's Soft Musk Perfume) and went on my way...  

Before I started writing..I reread my blog a year ago today..and in it I was still very much hurting...badly...I miss her so much...but a lot of times this year...when tears came.. it was when I knew someone else was missing her..or more in difficult times when I knew she would know what to do... and although I didn't cry for her as much this year...I still missed her everyday... there wasn't one day that I did not think of day that I didn't see something. a color, or do something that made me think of her..i would hear songs..and think of her. does that ever end?...  some new stories....

One story I heard about Grandma was when Grandpa and her had a milk cow..and one day she was out milking the cow and someone came to the house...she hid out in the barn and pretended not to be home..b.c. she didn't want the visitor to see her in her good shoes and house coat milking the cow. :) 

I'm not sure If I shared this over this past year...but when we were cleaning out my Grandma's clothes and bagging them up for donation... a lot of her clothes had the sizes marked out and a different size was wrote in with permanent marker. lol....I know her sewing for many years I think she did that b.c. she believed that was the size it actually should be like they were miss marked or something...but for me..I think I am just going to start doing that..I'm going to mark in the size in my jeans that I want to be...Size 6...well yes I am! :) just look at my tag.. lol... 

I can tell that Grandpa has really missed her...he misses her companionship. The calls for chit chat... or times when Jake goes loads hay and he doesn't get home till hours later.....its alright though... we all miss her..but still I can't imagine losing your partner after being together for that long...its going to be tough if Jake goes before me...

I still haven't got the hang of talking about Grandma in past tense you know? Same with my horse Mystery...its so strange still to walk into my grandparents house and she isn't in her chair. And also her house has been changed around.. things different... her desk is cluttered with things that don't belong to her...her shoes are not lining the closest.. she had so many... she had so many wonderful pretty clothes..... 

my biggest hurt or ache...would have to be hearing her talk. I can still hear the sound of her voice... but I wish she could have got to know Stuart. I wish I could have heard her thoughts on him you know. She would say- your mother acted just like Sondra did. Or "Sondra just "sparkles" Joie." personal fav...."Joie, Sondra is not a bad baby- She just wants to explore and see the WHOLE world. That's it!"... and I know that they will meet someday in heaven... but I wish she was here to experience it the first time around with Stuart or any of my future kids... but hey that isn't how life is... is it!

my little girl and her handy me down name... still doesn't understand it...just in general I feel like my Sondra is pretty special little lady.. but this past year a few people or Grandpa's friends will talk to her...and some have said..hey.. did you know I knew your Grandma guys have the same name! lol..she just kind of ok? tell me something I don't know... lol..Sondra talks about Grandma here and there..or when people have made comments to her..she'll be in the car..made comments like..Me & Grandma Sondra have the same name..but its MY name! lol.. either way it makes me :)... but I look at her and can't think of any other name that would fit her..I was afraid at first when she was born like what if it just doesn't fit her..but it has....the special smile people give me when I tell them my daughters name that knew her... and we give each other a nod and know :    yup.. Grandma Sondra was one special lady.. 

The Day Sondra Delle met Sondra Ray 6/27/2007
There are many things in life that I have yet to experience and there will be many a little girl...that I will stop and shed a tear or two & miss my Grandma and wish she were there..but that is what life is about. It is what has made me stronger. Made me wiser.. made us as a family accept change better...

Grandma- I am so very proud when people ask me if i'm one of "Sondra's Grand-Daughters"... or ask me which Daughter of Sondra's I belong too...I'm proud of the woman you were and how you handled yourself..nothing but a lady!..I'm proud of the woman you helped me to be! Love you

also stay tuned..I have more to blog on other happenings :) 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pintrest..well that sucks ***K!

Pinterest is going to be the death of me... I love that place..tonight I got my stuff ready for women's fellowship and yes...the stuff I pin on my boards at pinterest I do actually go back and use...tonight...I made the "special" rice krispies..and I don't think I'll ever make them the other way anymore... and also..for the cookie exchange I made these Pretzel things with a peanut mixture between 2 mini pretzels and then dipped half way into chocolate...I haven't tried them..but I hope they are a hit...
The fudge our women's fellowship group is selling has been a big hit...we still have fudge left to sell..but many people are buying the extra fudge up...which leads me to a funny story I have forgotten to tell while we were the supplies....
So it was Friday night ...the last stop before heading home from was Me Mom Jess Melissa kayla Brittany Taylor and Deb at Walmart... I'm running around like crazy..b.c. I really had no idea how much stuff we needed to make everything... anyways... so I'm getting very frustrated and short..and well just everything was wrong!...anyways Mom gets a call and she is talking to whoever???..anyways... all of a sudden we hear "Well that just sucks Dick!!!!".... lol... its like it was quiet in all the world lol..and as you can imagine... I cackled and cackled loud mom??? say that????...then she says GUYS its Dick Anderson from church...he has to work all ok..she claims..we didn't catch the comma at the end of Sucks, dick. lol... so for the rest of the night...when we were getting really slap happy... we'd just burst out "well that just sucks dick" lol.... then a roar of laughter..the things my mother says... bahahahahahaha.......sorry mom that story just needed to be told.. 
Also I'm sincrely concerned my Stuart is going to be a stoner...he loves his nebulizer. He will bring it to us b.c. he wants to inahle some albuterol! lol...he laughs and giggles..its really funny..but then worrisome when he is done with it and wants his ear infection is gone..but not his cough..what should I do? aahh!..I hate this!...

Welp thats all I got!...I got a busy week still ahead of me!... I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fudge Making Queen/Visiting Austin:)

yawn! :) I'm here! I today since 9am have been up at the church making fudge :). We made 100 pounds of fudge to sell for our christmas fund raiser. It was lots of fun with some pretty great people. I am thankful for the people that did show up to help. It couldn't have been done without them... 

This week was a short one. I worked from Monday through Wednesday. And Thursday and friday we went christmas shopping and visited Austin in Columbus. It was so much fun!

Now preparing for the shopping trip I told Sondra that I was going to visit Austin and we could make him a picture/letter to give him and a gift. (a gift= something  of hers that she thought Austin needed. ) going through her stuffed animals we settled on a rabbitt or a deer (Clarice from the Rodolph cartoon.). She settled on the deer b.c. Austin wasn't able to go hunting so he could hunt in his room and she wanted it back so she could continue to hunt when Austin got better. Her letter I had to trace out first. It read: Austin Get good so I can beat you up. Love Sondra... lol...I tried to explain it should say Get Better... but she insisted on Get Good...that is what sounded good. lol.. okay Sondra. I loved seeing his face when he read her letter. Ginuene smile from the Austin...with his approval.. here is the Lady Killer himself:

I am so impressed with his hard work. he looks great and is progressing everyday. I just look at him and am amazed he is where he is today. I seriously that night of his accident didn't believe he was going to make it. It made me so sick and all I could do was pray to God to spare his life. that he needed to survive he just did. That is all I could offer up to God. And...God heard mine and probably a million others prayers. I just on Thursday wanted to cry hearing him talk. and really hearing Austin in his voice if that makes sense. Like he is there..he isn't this shell of a person he use to be...its Austin there... and I'm amazed by God's work.

what can follow that up!? Nothing! So I must be going. :) Love you guys...

Friday, December 2, 2011

morning will be coming sooner than I'd like!

As you can see its friday night and I'm now just as usual has been busy. I have just got done getting ready for tomorrow. Its AE wrestling's first meet tomorrow morning and me and the kids are going to go support the team and our man Jake. I'm excited to see the guys to their best. I'm a little scared about my sanity staying in tact with keeping a 4 year old and a 1 1/2 year old entertained!Its going to be crazy so keep us in your prayers.
Austin has been doing great in Columubus. Walking more with assistance. Talking some too! So happy for him and all his progress. Its still a long road but he is getting there day by day.
As I was at walmart getting things that we need I just got into a mood. I was there trying to decide what I really needed and trying to decide between a off brand and a great value item I heard someone say "well I got my food stamps so I can get whatever I want!"... uuhh...i look in their cart and its loaded with pop and all brand stuff..I just got frustrated and started thinking... this isn't fair...why do I got to decide between what I really really needed and what I can get later..and this person just gets to have a hay day!... its just crazy...ticks me off..and really puts a damper on the whole christian thing of seeing everyone with love...I just want to not worry about money or bills... will that day ever come? I keep telling myself it will..but will it really??
Then thinking about it all...and with some assistance from a friend's FB status..I wonder what I write on I making people think of how great my life is or how "haapy" I am... I always try to keep it cherrful..but man I got could put on a whole woe to me thing...I'd say my life is actually good..but not all the time... there are days I just want to check out. Check out from my hubby.... I dream of a day..I sleep in till 11 and just do nothing... just one else... but then I think I'd get tired of that...who would I clean up after... or cook for ..or anything... i life my life full of excitement ...disappointment... I don't know does that make sense? ...
Our cat right now is trying to prevent me from writing this blog...aren't cats not supposed to want attention..but this thing has to be in someone's lap being petted...ah Winnie..get away! ..i guess she is not  responding to the the swatting and get away kitty message...
Stuart has been such a bad boy lately..He has the nastiest temper... he stomps his feet and throws himself.... or my favortie..if you tick him off he'll bang his head on me or a wall then go for the closest pet usually my mom's dog Zoie and kicks or hits the poor that needs to be captured on video..I got it ready..I'm gonna get it... I have discovered though after his baths he loves his hair blown dry...tonight I started and he climbed up on the toliet and say there so I could do it...i love it b.c. it leaves his hair so soft!..I'm thinking I'm gonna let it grow out some...
Tonight Sondra suckered me into getting her Rapunzel..and we watched it... its her new favorite... totally busted my whole budget thing for tonight at walmart..but hey.. if you really think about all could be gone tomorrow... Sondra lately...has been Sondra..she is so crazy... she was so excited that we got some snow... and when I told her we had to go into the house instead of play outside making snowballs..she wasn't while I was getting stuart out of the car I feel a snowball hit me in my back and I turn around to see that little crap eating grin... with laughing saying "I GOT YOU" that turd...
man its 11 and I gotta get up really early tomorrow my Mom is picking me up at that means I have to have 2 kids ready to go and myself..and I'd like to look some what its not gonna be good...I'm gonna get everything around tonight... so I best be going....