Thursday, November 29, 2012

Moves like Jagger.... :)

He seems to take a real liking to little miss

The boys (Sondra says we are out numbered now)

Being Playful

He is really adorable! :) 

Sondra sometimes has a hard time putting him down

One Blue eye and the other is half blue/black

SO this was our surprise for Saturday. Ever since the day we buried Yago we have said we wanted to get another I've said it ALOT of times. I'm telling you I missed Yago & still do...then I just really missed having a dog..I kept finding myself looking at classifieds for Aussies or Aussie mixes..and then on Friday I found one for the right price... right coloring :)... text Jake..he made it happen! :)... although he looks a lot like Yago..he is a "Miniature Australian Shepard". Which means..he is the same exact dog but just smaller size... which makes me happy b.c. that is one thing I have been leery of even when getting Yago...Big dogs tend to scare me...Which sounds funny to say b.c. I grew up with a Rottweiler ..but there wasn't a mean or aggressive bone in her body...but I ultimately if up to me I like a dog I can physically man handle.. Saturday we went to look at the pup...when I say "look" I mean buy :)... I'm very happy though..And the Name!!!..Jake wanted to name it Yago2..I said no!... we went back and forth on names..and finally Sondra said a name and Jake said Okay if you clean up its pee and poop...and she said okay... So The puppy's name is Jagger!...which she got off the song moves like Jagger I've heard her singing a long in car.. which Stuart calls him Yago.. lol.. Stu will catch on eventually but its funny...I hate the puppy stage!..I can't wait till he is house broke and he quits crying at night...I've had to wake early like 5am every morning b.c. he is I let him out to potty... I'm tired just thinking about it!... But hopefully it passes...He is a good pup already... not as smart on the whole house training like Yago...but he loves the kids and isn't calm unless he is sitting by one of them... and if they aren't sitting he is usually following you can call me that crazy dog lady again... :)

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