Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Wrap UP! :) oh Friday I need you now!

Man oh man is Christmas really over? As fast as it snuck up on me it has went away fast too... which I appreciate b.c. I am ready for this weekend of doing absolutely nothing! :) well I'll have to chase my crazy children around..but still I won't be stuck in some gym fighting with my 2 kids about sitting down or telling them no. also I won't be in a car traveling to whatever family thing I need to do next... :).

I had a really great Christmas! I got many things I wanted and many things I was pleasantly surprised and happy that I got!.. I my purse I picked out that Kayla offered to buy me for my gift..which when I seen it again..I fell in love with it again..and still love it... I got a faberware cook set from my In laws which I asked for some new pot and pans..and I am so happy I got!..A new blue plaid pea coat..that I absolutely love...Blue Plaid..I know right... see picture..totally cool... I got the essentials from my Mom and perfume..socks...PJs.. One of my favorite things would have to be from my SIL & BIL a picture frame with my kid's hand prints on it and then a bible verse: for this child I prayed :)... and then I even got a new gift card for my kindle..which was great too.. I love to read but hate paying the I usually stick to my free books..but when I get gift cards I look on my wishlist that I compile and start reading what I have been waiting to read..

Sondra- she started this season w/only
the Belle Doll. She insists sleeping w/all
her Princess Sisters. :)
So... With Christmas parties over..Jake and I talked about getting a Ipad he wanted one for several reasons I really can't remember but I wasn't really sure but with not much argument from me(b.c.I have a itouch and love it)  I forked over my Christmas money and practically had to talk him into then. I never thought I would buy one thinking man they are so expensive..but man..they are pretty fun...oh..and Sondra... she knew how to work it better then we met in town after I got off work..and Jake had to go to a wrestling meeting so I took the kids home and Sondra's first question as we drove off...Mom- I hope you have the iPad!??...I say ya Sondra why...and she says..I sure hope you have MAD BIRDS on it... lol..huh Mad Birds? What is that..You know Mom ..Taylor Brown @ wrestling she had this game that has these birds who are really mad! and you throw them... lol hahaha..Oh Sondra..yes we can put Mad Birds on the iPad..and she breezed through the first three levels like nothing lol... I have had to remind her that she has her own Pad and the iPad is Mom & Dads..
This is how you do it Mom!

Stuart has been one crazy little guy! :) He is so hard to handle and he has one major temper! One new development he has done this week...He bit Sondra on the check. And not a little bite she had a mark on her face kind of bite! I asked Sondra if he did it on accident and she tells me no Mom..he was mad! Wow... Sondra was a crazy biter. She would bite herself she got so mad!... so this.. does not surprise me just don't want to go through this stage again..not with my "sweet" little Stuart! - other than that he had a great Christmas too.. it was so cute seeing him open presents. Starting on Christmas eve he was a little shy and not really sure about tearing the paper open..well by Monday..he was a animal that could not be stopped. It was a bit scary lol... also...on Christmas Morning... he opened up his Lions and tigers figures and he would point it at you and growl... then my over zealous child would get so excited while growling he would throw them at you..not a good time...also..his face..when I took out his Cowboy woody adorable :). He had the perfect smile making him talk and getting his hat on just right... I love that boy...
MySon- The Monster

What else has been going on??.. hmm..I really don't know.  I am just trying to make it to friday... so I have a three day weekend..through the week I have been trying to put Christmas stuff away little by little. I have the tree down. And some of the presents put away too.....

also..I have one funny story...I don't see much humor in it..but IDK you probably will... well when  I figured out I was having a boy when I was pregnant..I had these reservations as too..will i really be able to handle a boy..they are so different... nasty creatures... my first thought about little boys are...they are always grabbing at themselves or picking their noses... lol... and are always dirty and smelly..well I was right... So as do all boys and little girl toddlers..when you change them their hand immediately goes to their privates..they just do... anyways..We are at my In laws in Spencerville..and Sondra always has her grandma massage her back with a handheld plastic thing that you roll over your back..well for Christmas they got her one like they have but it vibrates..well Stu took it..and you would hear him through out the house where he turned it on and was putting it on things...then it got really quiet... looked for him..and he was sitting beside a chair where we couldn't see him... I find him..and he is sitting on the ground with the present vibrating between his legs lol... STUART!...that nasty little boy..  had a smile on his face the whole time lol..

This is me in my pretty coat I wanted to show you...when I hear
"blue plaid" good thoughts don't come to mind..but this coat..
its just way too cute :) 

PS I still Love my hair...  :):)..I went out before the sun came up Monday and bought a new straightener b.c. I just couldn't wait no more..and am very happy..I straightened it that morning... and didn't need to straighten it till I washed it again....Love it :)... next..Sondra is going to get her hair straightened... :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

HairDrama and Christmas RoundUp

So- these last few weeks I had been contemplating cutting my hair. Not that I really wanted to...but it just felt like it was time... It was getting very long..and would get ratty very easily.. which I know brushing solves that problem..but who hey...I don't like doing that lol... anyways..It was last Thursday that I decided I at least needed to get a hold of my cuz Megan for at least a trim..then..push come to shove I just know what Hair grows back. There was a reason why I started growing it out and now I'm just too comfortable feel too safe..I use to at a whim would whack my hair completely off..I remember one time...I had Megan cut my hair and I said take it all off..I don't want no length lol... so how did I get so hung up on my long hair...I'll have to say it was so easy...I'd wash it and let it be..Or if I wanted to be fancy I'd wash it and blow dry it lol...or if I was moving on up that day I'd straighten it too.. lol... oh well... and another point...I don't think nothing is sexier on a woman is a head of Long Dark light heads...ya its cute I some days wish I had it..but dark hair is sexy! :)
so I find this picture of what I would like my hair to somewhat look like and send it to Jake...and ask what he thought about it... he said No... lol.. my reply..."Its happening..the date is set!"... lol... told him not to tell anyone..b.c. I didn't want to be talked out of it..and when I say talked out of it..I mean somebody would be like oh I just love your hair and that would talk me out of it...long hair is sentimental lol.. so... as the days passed...I really tried hard not to tell I couldn't take it... I knew my sis in law had said before when I was contemplating cutting my hair that if/when I did..she wanted to come along.. lol...and then I broke down.. needed more advice and called Lace my girl that says..that will good or oh no Joie..don't even fall in love with won't look good...I get her approval and then I'm so so excited.I even straightened it for the last time last weekend b.c. I knew I wouldn't do it during the week.. I didn't want to say anything to anyone b.c. I was a bit nervous to cut it...and didn't want to make a big to do and then chicken out lol.I even lied to my mom when she asked me what I was doing lastnight..told her I had lots of baking to do lol......

in all its straight glory lol 

really loving it!
and let me tell you ..last night as I sat down to get it cut..I was nervous and thinking in my it too late to turn back now lol...
One big thing though..I love it :)... I played with it all night..and had such a weird feeling of how light it feels. I loved how Meg straightened my
 hair and have decided I need a new straightener but I knew I had to wash it... I didn't want to b.c. I'm always afraid I'll never be able to make it look like how she did it..but anyways I took my chances... and I'm washing my hair...barely had to put any shampoo in it or 
I even like it with glasses..even better

conditioner.. money there..and it                                
was super fast to soaking my hair in conditioner and brushing it and leaving it in for a while... I dried it..only used one towel last night :)... and played with mentioned before my flat iron isn't up to I'm going to go shopping for a better one..but I was amazed this morning after taking a few minutes to run a flat iron through my hair that I still loved my hair cut :) ...I'm usually in such remorse the morning doesn't sound good...anyways..but today I still loved it.. that's a big step! lol.. also worth mentioning I am able to donate 13 inches to locks of love :) 
I'm a dork I know
So Christmas time is here..I haven't got one present wrapped sad is that...I'm afraid to b.c. I know Stuart would open I have waited. But tonight I have to get all the homemade stuff done because tomorrow we are going to Jake's parents to have Christmas. Which makes me super nervous because they will be my first experiments on the whole home made gifts go. I've spent close to what I normally spend- put I think its more thoughtful. Instead of meaningless stuff they really don't want- at least I know the things I made can be something they can enjoy :). I go both ways....I love homemade stuff and then I like it when people just surprise me and I end up really using what they got me. :) and for my Niece and Nephews I bought them toys or clothes..b.c. lets face it...its what they want lol.. So after Jake's parents we will head on over to my Grandpa's for Christmas Eve as usual...
Stu @ Allen County Tourney 12/17
 It will be nice seeing the family.... Then On Sunday.. we will get presents and gifts... then.. head to Sunday school... go home for a bit I imagine..go to Reffitt's @ my Aunt Lavanda's and Uncle David's around 1pm... then finish at my parents house for their Christmas..and when I say Finish I mean for the day...b.c. then Monday we head to Greenville for the afternoon for Christmas with the Clum's :).. how fun :) ...I can't wait to see everyone... We have one busy weekend ahead of us..Please pray for me that I get all the wrapping and baking done...and also...that I survive :) 
This is Winnie our cat... sad to say but her days are
numbered here lately..hopefully she survives... lol

Funny Pic my Bro sent me of Stu & Jude during the week..

The Original Grandma's Girl

The history of our grandparents is remembered not with rose petals but in the laughter and tears of their children and their children's children.  It is into us that the lives of grandparents have gone.  It is in us that their history becomes a future.  ~Charles and Ann Morse

Today is just one of those days.... 2 years has gone by since Grandma passed away...I still miss her... I can say though it doesn't hurt "as much"... I can say not as many tears have fallen like they did last year.the tears have been replaced with remembrance.....but today they are flowing for some reason... please not at work I beg...why doesn't my body obey me?.... either way..I woke up got ready... put my "armor" on... (doused myself with Grandma's Soft Musk Perfume) and went on my way...  

Before I started writing..I reread my blog a year ago today..and in it I was still very much hurting...badly...I miss her so much...but a lot of times this year...when tears came.. it was when I knew someone else was missing her..or more in difficult times when I knew she would know what to do... and although I didn't cry for her as much this year...I still missed her everyday... there wasn't one day that I did not think of day that I didn't see something. a color, or do something that made me think of her..i would hear songs..and think of her. does that ever end?...  some new stories....

One story I heard about Grandma was when Grandpa and her had a milk cow..and one day she was out milking the cow and someone came to the house...she hid out in the barn and pretended not to be home..b.c. she didn't want the visitor to see her in her good shoes and house coat milking the cow. :) 

I'm not sure If I shared this over this past year...but when we were cleaning out my Grandma's clothes and bagging them up for donation... a lot of her clothes had the sizes marked out and a different size was wrote in with permanent marker. lol....I know her sewing for many years I think she did that b.c. she believed that was the size it actually should be like they were miss marked or something...but for me..I think I am just going to start doing that..I'm going to mark in the size in my jeans that I want to be...Size 6...well yes I am! :) just look at my tag.. lol... 

I can tell that Grandpa has really missed her...he misses her companionship. The calls for chit chat... or times when Jake goes loads hay and he doesn't get home till hours later.....its alright though... we all miss her..but still I can't imagine losing your partner after being together for that long...its going to be tough if Jake goes before me...

I still haven't got the hang of talking about Grandma in past tense you know? Same with my horse Mystery...its so strange still to walk into my grandparents house and she isn't in her chair. And also her house has been changed around.. things different... her desk is cluttered with things that don't belong to her...her shoes are not lining the closest.. she had so many... she had so many wonderful pretty clothes..... 

my biggest hurt or ache...would have to be hearing her talk. I can still hear the sound of her voice... but I wish she could have got to know Stuart. I wish I could have heard her thoughts on him you know. She would say- your mother acted just like Sondra did. Or "Sondra just "sparkles" Joie." personal fav...."Joie, Sondra is not a bad baby- She just wants to explore and see the WHOLE world. That's it!"... and I know that they will meet someday in heaven... but I wish she was here to experience it the first time around with Stuart or any of my future kids... but hey that isn't how life is... is it!

my little girl and her handy me down name... still doesn't understand it...just in general I feel like my Sondra is pretty special little lady.. but this past year a few people or Grandpa's friends will talk to her...and some have said..hey.. did you know I knew your Grandma guys have the same name! lol..she just kind of ok? tell me something I don't know... lol..Sondra talks about Grandma here and there..or when people have made comments to her..she'll be in the car..made comments like..Me & Grandma Sondra have the same name..but its MY name! lol.. either way it makes me :)... but I look at her and can't think of any other name that would fit her..I was afraid at first when she was born like what if it just doesn't fit her..but it has....the special smile people give me when I tell them my daughters name that knew her... and we give each other a nod and know :    yup.. Grandma Sondra was one special lady.. 

The Day Sondra Delle met Sondra Ray 6/27/2007
There are many things in life that I have yet to experience and there will be many a little girl...that I will stop and shed a tear or two & miss my Grandma and wish she were there..but that is what life is about. It is what has made me stronger. Made me wiser.. made us as a family accept change better...

Grandma- I am so very proud when people ask me if i'm one of "Sondra's Grand-Daughters"... or ask me which Daughter of Sondra's I belong too...I'm proud of the woman you were and how you handled yourself..nothing but a lady!..I'm proud of the woman you helped me to be! Love you

also stay tuned..I have more to blog on other happenings :) 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pintrest..well that sucks ***K!

Pinterest is going to be the death of me... I love that place..tonight I got my stuff ready for women's fellowship and yes...the stuff I pin on my boards at pinterest I do actually go back and use...tonight...I made the "special" rice krispies..and I don't think I'll ever make them the other way anymore... and also..for the cookie exchange I made these Pretzel things with a peanut mixture between 2 mini pretzels and then dipped half way into chocolate...I haven't tried them..but I hope they are a hit...
The fudge our women's fellowship group is selling has been a big hit...we still have fudge left to sell..but many people are buying the extra fudge up...which leads me to a funny story I have forgotten to tell while we were the supplies....
So it was Friday night ...the last stop before heading home from was Me Mom Jess Melissa kayla Brittany Taylor and Deb at Walmart... I'm running around like crazy..b.c. I really had no idea how much stuff we needed to make everything... anyways... so I'm getting very frustrated and short..and well just everything was wrong!...anyways Mom gets a call and she is talking to whoever???..anyways... all of a sudden we hear "Well that just sucks Dick!!!!".... lol... its like it was quiet in all the world lol..and as you can imagine... I cackled and cackled loud mom??? say that????...then she says GUYS its Dick Anderson from church...he has to work all ok..she claims..we didn't catch the comma at the end of Sucks, dick. lol... so for the rest of the night...when we were getting really slap happy... we'd just burst out "well that just sucks dick" lol.... then a roar of laughter..the things my mother says... bahahahahahaha.......sorry mom that story just needed to be told.. 
Also I'm sincrely concerned my Stuart is going to be a stoner...he loves his nebulizer. He will bring it to us b.c. he wants to inahle some albuterol! lol...he laughs and giggles..its really funny..but then worrisome when he is done with it and wants his ear infection is gone..but not his cough..what should I do? aahh!..I hate this!...

Welp thats all I got!...I got a busy week still ahead of me!... I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fudge Making Queen/Visiting Austin:)

yawn! :) I'm here! I today since 9am have been up at the church making fudge :). We made 100 pounds of fudge to sell for our christmas fund raiser. It was lots of fun with some pretty great people. I am thankful for the people that did show up to help. It couldn't have been done without them... 

This week was a short one. I worked from Monday through Wednesday. And Thursday and friday we went christmas shopping and visited Austin in Columbus. It was so much fun!

Now preparing for the shopping trip I told Sondra that I was going to visit Austin and we could make him a picture/letter to give him and a gift. (a gift= something  of hers that she thought Austin needed. ) going through her stuffed animals we settled on a rabbitt or a deer (Clarice from the Rodolph cartoon.). She settled on the deer b.c. Austin wasn't able to go hunting so he could hunt in his room and she wanted it back so she could continue to hunt when Austin got better. Her letter I had to trace out first. It read: Austin Get good so I can beat you up. Love Sondra... lol...I tried to explain it should say Get Better... but she insisted on Get Good...that is what sounded good. lol.. okay Sondra. I loved seeing his face when he read her letter. Ginuene smile from the Austin...with his approval.. here is the Lady Killer himself:

I am so impressed with his hard work. he looks great and is progressing everyday. I just look at him and am amazed he is where he is today. I seriously that night of his accident didn't believe he was going to make it. It made me so sick and all I could do was pray to God to spare his life. that he needed to survive he just did. That is all I could offer up to God. And...God heard mine and probably a million others prayers. I just on Thursday wanted to cry hearing him talk. and really hearing Austin in his voice if that makes sense. Like he is there..he isn't this shell of a person he use to be...its Austin there... and I'm amazed by God's work.

what can follow that up!? Nothing! So I must be going. :) Love you guys...

Friday, December 2, 2011

morning will be coming sooner than I'd like!

As you can see its friday night and I'm now just as usual has been busy. I have just got done getting ready for tomorrow. Its AE wrestling's first meet tomorrow morning and me and the kids are going to go support the team and our man Jake. I'm excited to see the guys to their best. I'm a little scared about my sanity staying in tact with keeping a 4 year old and a 1 1/2 year old entertained!Its going to be crazy so keep us in your prayers.
Austin has been doing great in Columubus. Walking more with assistance. Talking some too! So happy for him and all his progress. Its still a long road but he is getting there day by day.
As I was at walmart getting things that we need I just got into a mood. I was there trying to decide what I really needed and trying to decide between a off brand and a great value item I heard someone say "well I got my food stamps so I can get whatever I want!"... uuhh...i look in their cart and its loaded with pop and all brand stuff..I just got frustrated and started thinking... this isn't fair...why do I got to decide between what I really really needed and what I can get later..and this person just gets to have a hay day!... its just crazy...ticks me off..and really puts a damper on the whole christian thing of seeing everyone with love...I just want to not worry about money or bills... will that day ever come? I keep telling myself it will..but will it really??
Then thinking about it all...and with some assistance from a friend's FB status..I wonder what I write on I making people think of how great my life is or how "haapy" I am... I always try to keep it cherrful..but man I got could put on a whole woe to me thing...I'd say my life is actually good..but not all the time... there are days I just want to check out. Check out from my hubby.... I dream of a day..I sleep in till 11 and just do nothing... just one else... but then I think I'd get tired of that...who would I clean up after... or cook for ..or anything... i life my life full of excitement ...disappointment... I don't know does that make sense? ...
Our cat right now is trying to prevent me from writing this blog...aren't cats not supposed to want attention..but this thing has to be in someone's lap being petted...ah Winnie..get away! ..i guess she is not  responding to the the swatting and get away kitty message...
Stuart has been such a bad boy lately..He has the nastiest temper... he stomps his feet and throws himself.... or my favortie..if you tick him off he'll bang his head on me or a wall then go for the closest pet usually my mom's dog Zoie and kicks or hits the poor that needs to be captured on video..I got it ready..I'm gonna get it... I have discovered though after his baths he loves his hair blown dry...tonight I started and he climbed up on the toliet and say there so I could do it...i love it b.c. it leaves his hair so soft!..I'm thinking I'm gonna let it grow out some...
Tonight Sondra suckered me into getting her Rapunzel..and we watched it... its her new favorite... totally busted my whole budget thing for tonight at walmart..but hey.. if you really think about all could be gone tomorrow... Sondra lately...has been Sondra..she is so crazy... she was so excited that we got some snow... and when I told her we had to go into the house instead of play outside making snowballs..she wasn't while I was getting stuart out of the car I feel a snowball hit me in my back and I turn around to see that little crap eating grin... with laughing saying "I GOT YOU" that turd...
man its 11 and I gotta get up really early tomorrow my Mom is picking me up at that means I have to have 2 kids ready to go and myself..and I'd like to look some what its not gonna be good...I'm gonna get everything around tonight... so I best be going....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Its Saturday Already!?

So Sondra tonight on the way home...we are singing rudolph the red nosed reindeer but using our own lyrics....Here is Sondra's first line..."Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a very nice daaaaad....then she stopped and I said... don't you have a really nice dad...and she says NO!..I said WHAT!? why not....her reply...well he is not nice to  the wrestling boys...and I say huh? Why? and she says he yells at them and says bad I slowed the car down to a stop and turn around and look at her very serious..I ask for some explanation. What did he say...and she goes into this big Well at wrestling practice when i went Daddy told the boys to now he was really mad and not happy... but He told the boys you better be quiet and SHUT UP!... lol.... whheeeww..I was afraid of what she was going to say. I don't know one way or the other..but I know colorful language is said but I hope Jake isn't a big contributor..but also...I never believe what comes out of my daughter's mouth most of the time... lol.... but in this case she was being truthful..b.c. Shut a bad word. I'm always waiting for her next story. She has a imagination and a very dramatic way of explaining it too.

As you can see...its saturday night and I'm updating my blog... man oh man..I've been busy at work. Jordan has been there for 2 weeks a few days and it has been nice. I've been able to catch up a lot of things..and now when jordan starts coming everyday in December I'll be happy to get back on a regular schedule. It just seems weird on the days that he is there and I don't put in the daily bills. Once you do that for the past hmm..6 or 7 years it seems crazy or not right when you don't. I can't believe how long I have worked there. I started there right after Christmas my Jr. Year part time. Then the week or so after I got married I was officially "Full Time"...

So at work the guys found these 2 kittens in the plow truck...after a few days of not being able to find a home for them...I started entertaining the idea of bring one home. IDK why..I just..Sondra loves kittys..and its a easy pet..I felt so bad for the I thought why not..I'll atleast try. Sondra's allergies haven't acted up. but of all pets...I can deal with cats the most.... this one is a bit young so I've kept the litter box feed stuff and everyhting in the living room... b.c. it won't leave the living room...Sondra has a crying fit almost everything time we leave the house after tellling her its not coming... But finally after much debate..we have came up a name for "her"...We really are not sure if its female or male... I thought male but a guy at work said thats a who knows..anyways... Jake wanted to name it buttercup ..ya I know so original...Sondra's first suggestion was "Rosepot".... lol...then we tried out flower... which...I wasn't thrilled but anything better than buttercup and rosepot...and then we went through the drive thru on our way to greenville and the lady that took our money...her nametag said "Winnie".... oh so that is what the cat's name is.... Winnie....

Tonight was the last niht of thanksgivings....Thursday was Greenville and Lawrences. Which we really wanted to get to Greenville b.c. we are not sure if we would be able to get there for Christmas. I love spending time with the aunts and uncles. Sondra runs around with her cousin Anna...and Stuart you know Stuart...he was just running wild plain and simple. Anyways.. Today was Reffitts...and I love going there too... and when you walk always have a story to tell lol....

This morning was the first wrestling preview. Its the scrimmage we have every year... it was at AE for some reason..I thought its always at spencerville but none the less...we actually got to sleep in.... I love wrestling but man or man..I don't love my kids when we are at wrestling lol..Sondra isn't so bad..but going to be was a lot easier with only one kid..throw another one in and its over! lol..but thank God I have a wonderful Mom In Law, Mom, and Sister who help out a lot of wrestling events or I'd never make it... but I'm hoping to find some people that would like to have Stu for the day or something sometime.. fingers crossed... it was odd though looking out on the mat and not seeing Austin... He has always been a big part of the wrestling team..He came to high school practices since he was a little guy... He has had great expectations on his shoulders b4 he even got in High school...but things change...I can accept that..and my Aunt reported today he was taking steps a long side a bar with help from his therapist. :) I'm so proud of him.  I'm so thankful that he was able to go to Doods and to be apart of a physical therapy place that will do wonders for him.

what else?... hmm... I didn't go black friday shopping... I had to work the next day..but I don't even have money to go anyway....ohhh to top off my week.. My dryer decided not to work..which makes me just oh so happy...... man... its always something... Welp..I gotta be going.... I'll try to update next week on promises!
Love ME...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Puddle Dirty christmas AML Breakin Daw

I have had just one of those weeks! I felt like I just wanted to go in a black room and just melt into a puddle. At work I was super busy and found out Stuart had foot and mouth which is a contagious rash all over his body! and I had to find a sitter for atleast 2 days or I'd have to stay home with them and get even more behind on paperwork at the tank wash...and I just wanted to melt. I couldn't find a sitter and I did it..I just went into the bathroom and cried...oh pathetic! and then went back to my desk and Jess was calling and telling me she didn't have anything for the next 2 day except a docs a appointment and she would take the kids....ohhhh thank God for Sisters. So between my Sister and Mom the kids were covered. I could go to work and keep things caught up which before the soltuion came my boss uncle doug said after I told him I may have to be out for the next 2 days he says Joie family comes first. You need to take care of your family first...:)... I'm blessed to have a understanding work place. After work I went to my parents and heard the good news about Austin and his new accomplishments and that just made my day better!

So dirty little Boy!...So friday, saturday I noticed little bumps around his mouth. and didn't think much of kids have weird breaks out a lot with bumps or rashes and whatever so I just didn't worry. By saturday night changed him and realized he had more bumps! Gave him a bath..found more bumps!...eehh... what is going on..i went on a full bath kick..antibacterial soap baths and covering all his red bumps in triple antibiotic cream... Sunday still bumps..Monday My mom takes him to the doctor which Mom reported (he stayed the night w/her) he had even more bumps!..Doc said he had mouth and foot disease which you have to let it run its course. and gave him an antibiotic just in case any of it turned into impatagio! ..but Hand and foot is... something a lot of young kids get b.c. of all the germs they discover..and people w/out kids or ignorant people..or I'm too good for you it a "dirty thing" to get..or only dirty kids get it..which isn't true...I like to think of it adventurous kids get it! lol.. either way I called him my dirty boy...and my Mom informed me that I shouldn't wonder where he picked it up b.c. when she had him over at my grandpa's house he came out sucking on a tennis ball that he had dipped in the toilet! lol..thats my Kids are such nasty little animals me and my cousin at work agreed on...and dogs are much easier to handle then kids...

I've decided for christmas I'm going to do "gift baskets" or something like that. from being addicted to have found some really neat things to make. I have found some for everyone I need to get for and will add to them. I'm excited and got even more excited when I was texting with my sis in law Rach that she was doing the same thing focusing on handmade I'm excited to get something from her...shes crafty!...

Tonight was a first tonight. Austin was moved to the 5th floor so Sondra would be able to visit if we wanted her too...which I've been in and out of how I thought what was right and not for her to see. On one hand I think she is too young to understand what has happened. Her version of Austin is this goofy cousin that loves her and when he is around her he gives her his attention... and I thought maybe she shouldn't see him. On my other hand Sondra is very smart and quizzical. She has asked about Austin. his condition and if he is ok? and that kind of stuff. My outlook on it for myself is..this is the new Austin. Things change and we must adjust. So knowing she was allowed to go see him I thought about it and realizing that Austin will be moving to Columbus soon she should see him now so it won't be such a long time before the next time. So with her insistence of not wanting to go..b.c. she wanted to stay at Grandma and pas house watching her shows we took her anyway... We got there in her play dress up shoes and seen him. I carried her in to his bedside and his eyes lit up and just stared at her. I wish I could know what he was thinking. But nonetheless I know he was glad to see her. And in fact my primary motive wasn't for Sondra to get to see Austin but the other way around. he may not remember seeing her but for those few minutes of staring at her and watching his eyes go crazy and his glance over her direction when he could hear her talking made me smile. He hadn't seen her in a month but I know he hadn't forgot her. bc before tonight whenever I would talk about the kids he always paid me attention. I like the bond that I have with my aunt and uncle..and always growing up I felt like their "girl"..and how Austin and Taylor(shes my original girl) I have had a close repertoire with..and now my kids have the connection with them. Its family... its value is immeasurable. Its honest. Its true...I'm very proud that I have that connection with many of my cousins and since grandma was fighting for her life and eventually dying... that realization of how valuable family is intensified. I'm very blessed to have the family that I do- both sides.
So lastnight I obliged and took my original girl Tatey-butt to see Breaking Dawn at midnight w/Jess, Mel, Kayla, and Sami in findlay! It was so fun!... we ate at cheddars and then headed to the movies...after making fun of many of the fanatics we finally got into the theater...and after refusing to sit in the front row  of one of the theaters we got into a empty one and got the pick of the seats...I wasn't below throwing out we had a pregnant injured vet with thank goodness I didn't have too but i would have..and her injury..she broke her middle finger over seas and points to the right then straight. but still that is a injury and very viable to use. either way I didn't have too and we had a great time. one the way home i was debating to stay up all night or just go to bed. which then I remembered I had to make Mac and cheese for a funeral dinner at our church so that settled it. I was staying up. Well i chickened was 430 getting closer to 5 and very tired..I decided I would change into my clothes for work for today and sleep a few hours. Miracously I woke up on time and made it to work. Not till I was looking at facebook and seen a post I put on there and it was dated 4 hours earlier did I fully realize how tired I really was. I somehow picked up a second wind and made it through and now my bed is calling to me...

tomorrow I have a Work day for our church Sunday school which we are cleaning the basement and then have a Thanksgiving/Christmas party that night. so once again I have a busy weekend... no slowing down... I wish I could retire now lol..I'd love to sleep in everyday and not be so "scheduled"...
so I must be going! and want to leave you with a saying I found today on which really made me think what I would have if it were true!...
"What if you woke up today for only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"


Friday, November 11, 2011

Busy AustinLuv 5yearsJomel Vets :)

I can't beleive I almost didn't blog this week. Welp I've been a busy gal. Mostly at work but lo and behold I'm going to get help starting Tuesday which I'm happy/excited about.

Tonight we were at my parents talking about Austin and I said man I need to get up there this mom offers I'll watch the kids why don't you go up! and Jake didn't need to be asked twice!...we left! Austin is looking good and doing great. We sat and talked to him. And when Jake talked Austin paid a attention. Its like whenever he said something Austin would give him full attention. When I mentioned Sondra his Eyes..and attention were like he wanted to know more. I bet or like to think he misses seeing her. Maybe wondering how in the heck did Joie make it up here without bringing Sondra? it was adorable and heart warming to witness. But when some High school girls came in...his attention was on them..staring at them...
I think he was showing off a bit and kept holding his squishy ball practicing holding it. Austin has a long road to go! I'm excited to hear that he will be transferring to Columbus to a special rehab to help him and they specialize in brain trauma patients. 

Today is 11-11-11...My Brother and Sis in law Jonas and Melissa's 5 year anniversary. How exciting! I was pretty proud last July when Jake & I had ours. A family friend Jimmy Jones told me the first 5 years is some of the hardest. You get through those...your gold. I like to think we had a rough 1st five years. Its like you have to get use to eachother and figure out your pattern and just everything. And then throw a baby in there and then a few years later another one... yeah it has been a little rough- but absolutely worth it. There were times and still are that I look at Jake and think who are you?? what have you done with my "Mohawk man" lol.... we have grown matured and have changed so much! Its just dang ole

and Veterans day is today. Its another proud day not myself but for all the people I am so proud of for serving our  country and people to keep us free. Alot to day I think about Nathan Carse our neighbor and how he paid the ultimate price. I seen his face and that smile all day. He was a good man. And I'm proud of him too and his family for how strong they are.

Welp I best be going so this is it! Love you

Friday, November 4, 2011

Call them What they are AML Duggar Eggies

do you just ever have one of those weeks where you wonder which way is up? and which way is down? Work has been super busy trying to keep up Deb's stuff up or really just caught up so everything else can function. and I am very happy to do it b.c. if the roles were revesrsed she would do it and probably do a better job at it too. I never realized how much I love having a another female at work let alone your Aunt.
Women know when you wear those cute low waist-ed jeans.... and then grab your last clean pair of panties...and then get to work..and realize..those last clean pair of panties....are Granny Panties...lets just call them what they really are ... "Grown Women who have had babies and have not one person to impress since your married and there isn't no way  they are getting away panties" lol.. that's what I refer to them thongs here and there these days..but I like that whole coverage thing lately... lol anyways...I thought it was so funny...I  took a picture and sent to family lol..that is my sick sense of humor... I would share the picture but you'd have to text me then maybe I'd send know when its on the net its there forever..I think the net doesn't need to see that just yet..... lol

what I was discussing earlier... being so busy and not knowing which way is up which way is down... I can positively say... My nerves have been on end lately with everything going on with Austin and everything else...and Michelle Duggar(who never raises her voice w/19 kids) would be disappointed in me with yelling/hollering/screaming at my kids....thinking about it... Wednesday night I was explaining to Jake the reason why our kids snap back and yell  at us is b.c. we yell at them and how we should really try to talk in a calm voice and stay calm instead of getting riled up ...well with everything going on yesterday I just blew it and here I was the one doing the yelling and Jake trying to soften it all trying to take care of things!...I sincerely feel horrible about it.

Austin is doing good. He is stable but still fighting a fever. Please pray for him and his family, and all the doctors and nurses. This is a very trying time and recovery is a hard long road. Ever little prayer helps. I believe God is going to use Austin for far greater happenings that we cannot even begin to understand. There is no reason he should have survived that car wreck...except one... God wanted him alive.

Which leads me to something else... I'm a big believer in letting people know how you feel about them. Giving a person your truth is powerful. What scared me the most the night of Austin's accident I was almost sick to my stomach b.c. I couldn't remember exactly the last time I talked to Austin. It made me sad. Which when I really thought about it- I last talked to him on a Sunday when we had nursery and he passed through to use the restroom and started picking on Sondra... but anyways.. when my Grandma was dying cancer we had that time..that time to tell her really appreciate her. sure she did suffer...but part of me would rather die of cancer just to know that I was dying and about how much time I had left... and I could say goodbye... that's why I was so scared Austin wasn't going to make it that night..I was terrified that he would slip by without knowing or witnessing how much emotion he pulled out of my heart and my husband/kids could I let such a special person who I have many great memories with growing up get by without really knowing I really did care and love him. Also...on another hand...isn't family's love kind of unspeakable. I look at all my family..sure we have our differences or aren't able to see each other as much as we use to...but  I love them. and I'm  not just talking about my siblings but I mean like cousins that I have grown up with...that in trying times like these we come together.. reminisce... provide support...b.c. that is what family does. So can I rest easy and believe that Austin knows how much I love him. Or any of my family...if something were to happen to them and I'd never speak see them again..will they think that I loved them? I think and hope so. But I thank God that I don't have to have that unsettling thought of whether Austin knew or not...

Also on a another not... I have had such a hard time watching Sondra grow up before my is just not right...she is growing up she is so beautiful. Just yesterday she was still a baby...but anyways..I have had a like a"Duh" moment Sondra is growing up like all normal or abnormal children do..its unpreventable... its the way of life...but since having bearable to watch her get older...and I'm sure someday when Sondra and Stuart are breaking my heart getting older and more mature...another one will be softening the blow...  I just love these kids....

AND on a much lighter lighter note I have the funniest story this week...

So everyone knows how I have this love for my cute little neat phone...well I was at my parents i think Monday night...and my dad brought home a surprise for my Mom from my Grandpa..he had bought those Eggies off of the TV b.c. he wanted some and also gave my Mom a set she is so excited and getting them all ready....and my brother Jonas calls my phone and tells me he is taking the women in our family to olive garden for Vets day b.c. he gets so many guests for free or w./e. and so then he wants to talk to Mom b.c. he couldn't get a hold of I give her my phone only to hear her scream a minute later b.c. as she was talking to Jonas she dropped my phone into the pot of the water we were using to boil the eggies.. lol... she felt was funny... So i am back to my old school phone blue one and I can't receive video or take it so don't even try to send lol... either way..I think I am going to start calling her Eggie! :)

Until Next Time

Friday, October 28, 2011

5,000..Family...Triplet Convulsion.

I have hit the over 5,000 hit mark!That is pretty neat! :) Thank you whoever my readers are. I know there are at least 11 who have subscribed but I highly doubt those only 11 have visited 5,000 times between them. :) So whoever you are out there..I hope you are enjoying my sometimes meaningless thoughts..or my silly stories about my children or here lately..My weighty issues about my family and concerns.... Thank you for praying for me and my issues when I request. 

1st things 1st. My foster brother is back home where he belongs. I am so happy to see him home and the house in the order as it should be. Just wasn't quite the same without him there. 

2nd- Austin is progressing! He thank goodness has not had any set backs. Its going to a be a long journey...but man is it worth it. I thank God for doctors and God himself for giving the doctors their knowledge to learn and take care of patients like Austin. 

Still on the topic of Austin.... Sondra the other day in car made a comment about Austin... I asked her what she said and she said something about someday Stu would get in a car accident and die like Austin..oh whoa Stop... I had to tell myself that when she muttered that so nonchalantly..but she is 4..she has no filter and no real understanding what death really really is..and wait a second?...I said to Sondra...we don't say things like that. That is not very nice. And Austin is not dead?..and she says yes he is. I reminded her that I have visited him and actually visited him that day. And she said he is Dead Mom..he is sleeping!... hmm... well.. I guess to her he is dead. Because dumb of me..since going to funerals and there is a open casket I've told her that such and such is "sleeping" up there and  that they are gong to go live in heaven. Well this whole time with Austin..We have explained to her he is "sleeping" while his brain heals but he is going to wake up...which its contradictory to the whole thing I have been telling Sondra trying to explain to her that when you Die you never come I'm really messing this girl up. I'm going to have to do some research about explaining everything to her.... But she is not understanding the whole part about why I am allowed to go back and see Austin..but she is not. I don't even take her up to the hospital anymore b.c. when we get in the car she always complains...HEEYYY I DIDN'T GET TO SEE AUSTIN.... so... when he wakes up...Sondra will be first in line to see her buddy....ICU will have to bend the rules and let her back there...I at least hope. 

Halloween! :) I love it. My Sister and I passed out Candy in Lafayette while Jake walked around with Sondra & Colt & a family from church that live in Lafayette ... which their daughter Alyssa is Sondra's Lafayette Best Friend lol... she has them in each town... I don't think Sondra is too big on Trick or treating...when we were on our way home yesterday from Mel's..she asked if she could ride in the stroller to Trick or Um no Sondra you are four... if you can't walk it out to get candy..then you don't need it! lol... so its funny..b.c. last night they came back early....Jake said there wasn't a moment Sondra didn't have candy in her mouth while trick or treating... she better shape up b.c. Sunday she has Spencerville and the family party to trick or treat on Sunday! 

Tonight is the last home game for AE...and Sadly..I'm not me and the kids are staying in and I am going to introduce them to some of my favorite Disney movies. I'm going to go raid the Lloyd's VHS tapes after I pick the kids up...and I'm gonna have them fall in love with Lion King.. Pocahontas if they have it...and any good ones I see...we can have a marathon of Disney movies... 

Thanks to Pinterest I think I have found my motivation to pick up sewing again!....Sondra loves all things dolls... she loves the diapers and such and I found on DIY cloth baby doll diapers. I always found a pattern for a baby doll blanket where the baby don't fall out I would like to try..and also a baby doll sling..My little lady likes to wear her babies which makes me smile and laugh all the same..but I want to try it.. I just got to get around what I need to make each of these things... :)..I'll try my hand at it then maybe buy all matching material and make a bunch for Christmas for her!...oh another thing..Christmas.. lol 
So the Toy R us catalog comes this week... or last week not sure..but we start flipping through it..and Sondra always refers to that store as Toys 4 Us..from the very beginning she has and I even call the store that now.. lol anyways... she has a fascination for twins..she almost always pairs her babies up and calls them twins.. like if they are the same brand...or type of doll..even if one is white and one is black... like her 2 cabbage patch kids...both have long hair and about the same size except KiKi is black...and Sami is White..but they are twins.. lol..same goes for her Baby Alive we are flipping through her pages... and all of a sudden I swear she starting convulsing and I thought her head was going to pop off....MOM 3 BABIES! 3 BABIES! yes Sondra... those are triplets. Whiplets? Sondra TRIP-LETS...Whiplets..I want those for Christmas. We have to call Santa and tell him I want Whiplets for Christmas and new twins for my Birthday! lol.... oh my it got me thinking... maybe..Instead of buying that exact triplet pack..maybe I could buy 3 of the same baby but different styles or something... IDK..I'm still thinking on that. Santa will have to deliver the triplets..but I want to avoid paying the 49.99 for 3 cheap dolls.. I mean ya they are "interactive"..but really She just wants 3 dolls that are the same!... 
Which thinking about Christmas and seeing her become so excited she could hardly contain her self reminded me of a time when I was so excited I couldn't contain myself... I remember the year I got this!

I love my Pony Surpise! I didn't think twice when I pulled the babies out of her belly by ripping open the velcro. Maybe thats why I'd much prefer a C section than to having my babies the old fashion long shot but hey.. then I always remember getting a set of triplet babies too...
Magic Nursery Triplet Dolls I also had the carrier too! 
I wish I still had some of my favorite childhood toys. It would be neat to show Sondra and let her play with them too! I don't get sad about my house burning down when I was younger... except in these cases. Everything is replaceable. Trust me! 

Last night Sondra was playing her LeapPad and Stu is always so interested and Sondra don't like I have to share these photos: 
Hey What are you doing on that?? Where's mine? 

I think he does this to annoy her! lol..

SO I must get going... This has been here and there..and sorry! ... I'll let you know how the Movie Marathon goes! Later :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is blood really thicker than water?

What defines family for you? I use to look at it like: Blood is thicker than water.which means: It generally means that the bonds of family and common ancestry are stronger than those bonds between unrelated people (such as friendship).(Wiki)

I'll start this out with- I'm probably saying too much but its on my mind and if its on my mind its on my heart...and sometimes it just needs shared...maybe its time finish blog writing and get back into my journal....... this is personal...and what is going on right now... 

Since having a adoptive brother... also foster siblings that my children have grown not knowing what it is like without them..the kids love their Uncle Coolie, John, it breaks my heart that John isn't living with my parents anymore. Moved out Sunday..its always inevitable with older foster kids as they approach the 18 year mark. For so long they think 18 is being "grown". Your a Man at 18 boy! Which is so far from the truth that it is sad. Its like you can feel it coming...the first heart break that I can remember was Quinntell. He was 2 grades older than me. Shanetta which a lot of you know her Quinntell is her older brother. Anyways- tell was doing great. Normal kid...was a freshman in high school. well he ended up getting in a "fight" with one of our cousins at really it was a "family feud" which school said if Quinntell would just apologize for fighting and apologize to Principal for being disrespectful than he could stay in school. ...well he had to be a MAN!..wouldn't couldn't stay at Allen East which meant he could no longer live @ our house. One way or another he ended up on the wrong path. He ended up spending a little while in jail.... and then went back to jail and still is in jail. Its sad. If he hadn't moved out and just stayed in school and had a positive environment..I believe he wouldn't be where he is today.... Environment is a lot in a kid's future. not always..but a lot of it is. 

But when I see my foster brother move out..just makes me sad. Makes me afraid for his future. I am sorely pissed off at Allen County Children's Service because instead of kicking him out of foster care b.c. he turned 18 they could have kept him instead of telling him your a man you 18 you don't have to listen to anybody.....nope they wanted him off their books. I whole heartily believe that. Their advice to him was quit high school. Get your GED then enlist in the Army then. Not until I called around to each branch they all told me NO do not quit school. They value EDUCATION and there are only a few special slots for people who have their GED and those are never guaranteed to anybody.....wouldn't you think they would have called and asked about those things before telling a kid that....  From there on since John was out of foster care- he has been living with my parents...My parents biggest goals have been to get the boys graduated from High School..Coolie wanted to go to college...he got there attends Tiffin...John from Day 1 wanted to join the Army make it a career. Well that was the plan. its not that I don't think he won't get there- its just... scares me... I don't understand why a kid wants to make it hard on himself. a lot can happen when your basically on your own. I just would have never pegged him as the one to leave the house. He just has always kept or tried keeping Alfred his little brother on the straight and narrow so he doesn't mess anything up and having to move out b.c. Alfred got in so much trouble. Just doesn't make sense. I don't understand it..I just hate this right now..and I had to come home to write this blog b.c. I knew I couldn't write it at work b.c. I've already cried half the day there about it all..just thinking about it.... and what kills me the most.... 

on the way home last night....I'm ugly crying...and Sondra asks why I'm crying...and I tell her b.c. John moved out. Just really sad and scared for him...and she says with her wrestling medal around her neck he gave her before he left...but she says...don't worry Momma John will come back. He said he will be back in 7 days.... and I just yeah ok Sondra...then we get home and I am getting her out and she hugs me patting my back and say don't worry Momma.. just know he is going to come back. He said he would visit me and I go will go to his house.....(i don't know whether that is what he told her to keep her happy or she just make believed it all) but either way it breaks my heart. What will I tell her in a few weeks when we get there and she asks..where's John?...I'm just a foster sister and my heart is breaking....breaking b.c. he has so much potential in his future. I hope to God and will pray everyday that he stays on his path. That he graduates and he gets enlisted in the Army. 

And I'm not angry at him..I am just disappointed. and like family..I'm ready to defend him...he is just like any 18 year old high school student who thinks they are grown up and instead of having no where else to go like normal kids...he has that option of going of with another set of parents....I just don't want to hear anybody or anyone putting him down.....what he is doing he thinks he is right and he knows the weight of his decisions.... How do you explain to someone that they are making a mistake that will effect them for the rest of their lives? 

I don't know whether I love the experience of growing up doing foster care or hate it. Before doing foster care I can't even tell you one black person I had ever actually knew. It taught me to look past color and now... I don't even see color. I don't believe I was really racist but it opened me up to a world that I didn't know it existed. I love that my children don't even see color when they look at people....these days Sondra will describe herself has tan or the boys as brown...but never the normal way. But she isn't scared of black asian or meixican people like some kids are b.c. they are not around people of different ethnicity. but right now...I'd give all that up or any positive of foster care of I knew for a fact John would without a doubt graduate and enlist in the Army..or if John would be home and none his decisions were never heart just hurts so much right now. I knew 18 is the age that foster kids usually do this..but honestly I thought he would be different...I don't know whether to become harder and just give up..or keep pestering him to straighten up..keep reminding him family don't walk tells you when your making a mistake. what am I supposed to do? I guess I want to ask everyone to pray for John's future. 

on to "better" news....Austin has had 3 good days :). Right now its a waiting game. He gets CT scans everyday and they are just watching his progress. I'm so very happy for him. Its going to be a long journey..but he is going to get better :). Can't wait to see his eyes open and his goofy smile...     

Monday, October 17, 2011

Where there is Life- There is Hope :)

In life I hate it when something terrible happens and it shakes you to your core. That how you feel about somebody a loved one like my cousin all those feelings come rushing at you head on. I was terrified the moment I got the message he was in a accident to the moment I seen him in the ER..then to the moment in ICU...  you can never be prepared. .

for those that don't know my cousin Austin and 2 friends were in a car accident Saturday night. He was driving and ran a stop sign at the corner of Lawrence and Alger rd. He was struck by a oncoming car.

Austin is my little cousin who lives down the road from my parents. He as a little guy had a head of curly curls and always almost always had droll running down his face :). Slobber Box I would call him. Anyways.. We have grown up fairly close..I babysat his sister and him. His super hero was probably still is my brother Jordan. He has a caring heart. I don't know if its b.c. we grew up close that he always every time always when he sees my kids- he always shows them attention. Picks them up hugs kisses. He isn't too cool to do that. And I can proudly say all my cousins or brothers in high school does that.

I ask everyone to pray for my everyone involved in the accident. Please pray for Carol Stiles and her son Darren Stiles. Please pray for Cole Basham and Ryan Kindle. Please pray for Austin. Ask God to work on all the kid's hearts in the community. We in the last few years have lost 4 AE students from alcohol involved accidents. maybe just maybe... I know if things haven't changed in the past few years..but maybe AE needs a Living Testimony. I'm praying that when Austin gets better- that God uses him. Uses him to change the hearts of kids and their mentality of being invincible.

Another thing is- with all this happening rumors have spread GALORE. Why is it people feel the need to "make up" or assume things and then pass those assumptions on as fact. Take the official news and don't add to it or change it. and I know this sounds cold b.c. Austin is these kids friends- but I Feel its pretty intrusive for so many people/kids just to be standing in the hallway of ICU just staring and texting on their phones updating their little Facebook status...about how hard it is to be there! I just...feel like maybe they should hold off a little bit till things settle down a bit.
 and don't get me started on FB. I think FB is a good thing. Someone has created a Prayer Chain great. But also people have had negative comments about the whole accident and everything else. You know what?..He isn't the 1st kid to drink and drive. Is he a horrible person? Absolutely not. Do we need people throwing out comments like "oh is it worth it now?" (I'm not saying that is not a valid question but nonetheless its inappropriate 1st off and 2nd to do it on FB? really)... no we need people sending prayers up and support for road to recovery. Austin is a good kid that didn't make responsible decisions and we are thankful that no one was killed in the accident. And when the time is right his irresponsible decisions will be addressed and I'm sure you won't be invited to the discussion so there is no need to post it on Facebook. I just hate that people spout off at the mouth that you know for a fact they wouldn't say that to someone's face. 'm a little fired up about all that.. sorry..but as you all know...I'm protective of my family ....and let me state..that is MY opinion..and no one else.

I have had a rough weekend. not much sleep. after getting home from the hospital I couldn't sleep. I sat in my living room staring at the TV and just seeing Austin in that hospital bed. Rubbing his forehead and lightly brushing the top of his curls telling him that I loved him and that he needs to get better. at 3am- I decided to write Austin a letter. and that's what I did. By 4:30am.. I was off to bed...and by 5am..I had Sondra waking me up to ask me to hold her baby doll b.c. she had to go the bathroom. heh.. oh Sondra...  and so I fell back to sleep cradling a fake baby while my daughter played in the bathroom for a little while. She got her baby back and went and laid on the couch. Sunday came and went. In the morning I told Sondra that Austin had been in a accident and she really didn't understand. I told her that he wasn't awake but it was ok b.c. it was good for his brain to be asleep so it could heal.  In Sunday school I forgot my worksheets for my class so Sondra made Austin a card. She actually wrote her name and made a "heart" that looks like a circle so I wrote love in it and I dashed out Austin's name and Sondra traced it. She drew pictures inside the card and wrote down that "Austin is Silly" that was a bunch of scribbles so I wrote it out under it... and then on the back she wanted suckers taped on b.c. she said when Austin wakes up he is going to be really hungry. :)... My heart smiled that she said that and smiled even more when she wanted to steal one of his suckers b.c. she wanted a second one... he would love that and Sondra is going to have to explain to Austin sometime why he only got one sucker on his card when there is clearly evidence of a time when there was 3 suckers taped to the back. :)

both me and Jake Sunday night fell asleep before 11. and of course this morning woke up late.          

so I really don't know what this post is about... but I mean I do... its Austin.. but you have these feelings and you just want to get them all out. and make sense of them...
I have no "official" news on his condition. But I really appreciate my prayer warriors out there taking time to pray for these people. until next time :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cooking Crazy Canning Decoration and Tip for Good Looks

So- I'm having a pretty good day!~...Although we "planned to wake up" early today...lately we'll sleep in until 7:10 or later...and I leave my house at 7:30 the you can guess how good I'm looking through out the week with all the time I spend getting ready! lol..but anyways..but last night.. I thought I gotta get up for once! lol... so this morning I didn't wake up early..but I did wake up at 7..meaning I got out of bed at 7..I did just lay there dreading to start my day..but I got up!... That in turn I had a easy drive to work this morning... no over 60MPH... so tomorrow I think I am going to try and wake up a little bit earlier.. 6:45am. wish me luck :)

I do not know what has gotten in me lately. I love to cook. try new things and sorts. Monday night wasn't really "creative" but I tried something new. All things concerning meat cooked in cream of mushroom soup(COMS) is genius. and taste worthy. I like to make pork chops with COMS..also..Salisbury steak...and just about any beef breaded and fried and covered in it is great. Its built in gravy.. yum..anyways..I had thawed chicken breast and thought why not? So I seasoned them with seasoning salt and baked them for a little bit then I put put a can of COMS in a baking dish put the chicken breast in and cooked a little longer..and viola! it so so good!...also that night... on the menu... Fried potatoes with real bacon bites cooked together topped with Cheddar cheese... which me and my Mom like to call it... "I didn't Know" lol... which diced green peppers and fresh mushrooms should have been in it..but I didn't have either of those in the kitchen....then me and kids carved the 1st pumpkin of the season and we made cinnamon pumpkin seeds which I think... they needed roasted longer..but no worries we have 3 other pumpkins that we will eventually cut up and We'll try again!
Then last night!
I had homemade pizza on the brain. so i found a recipe for homemade dough...used my bread machine dough cycle.....while that was going on I fried up the sausage... and bacon..(my family are meat eaters)... put it in the over to bake..then  decided..why not make some pumpkin muffins with Chocolate chunks and peanut butter chips.. ohh yum! ..first were a little dry but adjusted the bake time and they were very lovely...3 of my favorite things :)... i really finding new recipes and trying them out..I feel accomplished when I sit down to a lovely meal that I spent time preparing...and I enjoy that much more :) far as my husband.. he not so much... we have opposites takes on food... his motto he says is "HE Eats to Live"..and he says my motto is "I Live to Eat"... lol.

also it was so nice..yesterday I sent out a mass message asking my family what their favorite "Sunday dinner" meal or dish was that Grandma made. I loved seeing all the responses. Everyone having their own personal favorite or people going back and forth in messages saying... How could you not say this or that?.. My favorite... Salisbury Steak :) that is my Grandma meal..that stuff heals my soul....its comforting.. I can remember the last time I had her Salisbury Steak..and now when I make it..its pretty damn good..but its not as good as hers..its like..maybe something is missing..I also loved her lemon chicken..that was so good!...her Black raspberry pie..well..lets be honest..any of her pies... She was a Baking Goddess.

MyPretty Shelves and then a DVD Clutter
Last night I cleaned off my shelves and put my jars of goodness up... I now a lot of people decorate with them..but I don't have a knack for I just put them up... The top shelf is most spaghetti sauce and a couple jars of tomato juice and a few jars of Chill...then the second row is mostly applesauce of all sizes and colors..and a few spaghetti sauce straglers that didn't fit on the above shelf..I'm so proud of those 2 shelves... :) I appreciate my Mom teaching me how to can and will continue to do so..I'm so big on this i'm considered the "Canning Nazi".. .. I'm actually going and cooking down tomatoes tonight..probably the last of the season :(...

Also..the best thing happened today... I'm sitting at my desk.. a driver walks in asks if we had showers..told ya to the right...when he was done showering... he put 10 on my desk..and I picked it up and said oh no Showers are free here!... and he says oh no its ok..and I said no I can't take your money..and he said No! Have lunch or a beer on me! I had a internal voice in my head that said SHUT UP Joie..and I did and told him Thank you!... I little razing from the other guys for getting a tip for nothing hasn't hurt my feelings... My Reply.. Its not my fault I got a tip for having such good looks :)

welp so long :)