On Shania's birthday I tried switching her over to regular milk..I had no more soy formula and only had regular milk. So I said lets try it!... Not such a good idea... she had explosive gas and diarrhea. Yellow foamy..just nasty...so I broke down and got her soy milk...which she took without a hitch..and she also took regular milk no problem. My other two fought the regular milk for a few days..Shania..nope..laid down drank her whole bottle like it was nothing... but after a day or so on soy milk her bowels are back to normal...grrr... I'm not sure if there is hope for her to switch to regular milk or what...
All last week I worked on stuff for Shania's party and am so thankful that it all came together...I'm also pretty thankful that my Sis Jess came to church and helped me get everything ready and helped while the party went on... I do have the best sister...OH ya and thankful for Jake b.c. he put up ALL the decorations... (sarcasm)... Her party was perfect except for the fact I couldn't find her 1 year candle...lol...later that night when I sat down after kids went to bed...I found it in my purse!....ggrrr!
Having a "cold" birthday was a bit different than my other 2... they are june babies...and their parties are normally outside or in my grandpa's garage where we are swimming ect...But hers I thought to have it at the church since we have such a great social room there. But it was a lot of fun and work decorating it but well worth it. B.c I know Shania WILL NOT remember this but when she looks at pictures I want her to see that she was just as special as her siblings. She wasn't my first baby girl or our first baby boy or she won't remain my "baby"...instead she was the 3rd child..which she will someday have a younger sibling and will be the "middle" child..so I just want her to feel special- that she mattered..that I was on the down hill or gave up caring about the details...
So I have been playing with Oils......essential oils... literally name me anything you might be dealing with and I could tell you "there is a oil for that".... I might not know off hand but I could find out for you!.... My SIL has shared with me some EO (essential oils) when Shania was having Ear Infection issues...and they helped soothe the pain... then when she was having diaper rash really really bad...like I would have took pics it was so bad..but you know why I didn't..but Shania had broken skin all over her bottom..and EO with Coconut oil helped so much..I would put the oil mix down first then slather diaper rash or Vaseline over it and bam..It would make a difference in one diaper change... so naturally I wanted to learn more and get some... I didn't even realize we had been using a particular EO for quite some time.....concerning Skin infections we have this bottle that we lovingly referred to as the stinky stuff(Mike gave it to Jake)..whenever there was a rash or a few skin bumps that looked funny/red that may look like impetigo or could develop into impetigo or some other skin infection we would say: PUT THE STINKY STUFF ON IT!!!q.....well after researching EO ect I got the stinky stuff out and low and behold OH its Tea Tree Oil..... lol... well look at that??!! Another reason as to the effectiveness of Essential Oils and why I wanted more.. Finally I got a kit a couple weeks ago and wow.. its awesome... My SIL gave me her wax warmer and wax a month or so ago ...and now I can tell why... the diffuser I received with my oils is awesome!... I'm going to have to find someone to take the wax warmer b.c. the only thing I like to run is my diffuser and mix different combos... I'm finding more and more ways to use the oils and if you are interested at all let me know I have a 24% discount your welcome to use! ....
Well- I'm watching the "evil abbey girls" today and I think I hear JoJo moving around in the crib!...I must be going...Gotta go rescue the sweet babe!...
Talk to you Soon,
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