Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Joy in the Heart, Sondra's New Law, Wrestling, and heavy WW

My Son always cheers my heart up... sometimes when I'm down his pure happiness just brings me such joy.. last night I just wasn't right..and we were playing and such..and he just loves on anybody...and he hugged me and gave me some kisses...his smiles and laughter are contagious...how can I not be absolutely deliriously happy with him..
also with Sondra- we started something new yet again..when things are not working out we have to go back to the drawing board with her...anyways...So Friday night before the basketball game..we write up the rules...If she doesn't listen 1 of 3 things will be done: 1. Corner or chair 2. No TV 3. No Doll house for a Day also..she has a mouth on her... she can talk back with the best of them.. so for back talking: 1. No Bedtime Snack 2. No Bedtime story 3. Put Doll babies away for 1 week . Also rewards are: if she is good for the she gets her bedtime snack...and if she is good with no   issues all week she is allowed to have 20.00 to spend at Walmart or ToysRus.. (which is a lot of money but fortunately Sondra is very stubborn and we know she may never reach a perfect or close to perfect week lol bahahaha) which when we were coming up with these rules and things to take away and stuff like that... Jake asks Sondra after he first says No bedtime snack or story says..what else Sondra should we take away..and she dead straight face looks at him and says.."Just Spank me Dad"..and Jake's reply..."Sondra I'm not going to spank you- it is not working!"... lol..she knew that she would rather have spanking b.c. then its done and over with and she goes on her merry way...
I had seriously big doubts about if this was going to work...but Friday she did was in trouble to begin with B.c she was bad for her babysitter... Saturday she managed not to get any TV for that night or in the morning...Sunday..it was like a change of heart...she wakes up wants TV and I remind her that she was bad yesterday and that if she was good at church she may be allowed to watch her shows at Grandpa and Grandma's house... didn't make a stink about it and just says okay mommy..she was good for the rest of the day...she had a little close calls..but nothing that any other 3 yr old would do...

Having this too smart for her own good kid has made me understand other parents that at one time I thought man why don't they just do this or that?... or my kid isn't gonna do that... but wow.. what I have learned until my kid is that age or going through something like that then I really shouldn't judge... I may have a different opinion..but unless they ask for it..I'm not going to tell them it or make snide remarks... its rude... Nothing though now beats hearing people that don't have their own kids preach about how something is wrong...makes me think how ignorant I was when I did that same thing...

Wrestling is on the down hill..this weekend will probably be my last wrestling thing..b.c. Districts is a overnighter..and I don't know how I will be able to manage that..I don't want to leave my kids all weekend and not sure if I really would want to get a hotel room and all that..although I'll be dying to hear how everyone is doing. I hate to miss them wrestle...Sondra was so funny...we brought her valentine cards to wrestling... I say who do you want to send them too..she looks out at the mat and sees a AE wrestler wrestling on the far mat...she says to that mustang over there..and I say who is it..I'm not sure who it is..and she looks at me like I'm an idiot and says..Justin..I say Justin who(i'm quizzing her now)..her reply..Justin Pryor MOM!  Wow..My girly is a smartypants...so we fill out cards for all the guys...our first attempt at giving cards she just couldn't...I walk her out to the hallway and say what happened Sondra?..I didn't fill out all these cards and have you sign all them(her scribbles) so that we keep them..We will just have to throw them away then..and she says...Mom I'm just nervous... lol..hahaha...wow..once she Gave Lee his Vday card she started enjoying it and when she realized she didn't have anymore cards was upset... so funny! What am I going to do!?...then she is playing with our cousins Ipad..yes a ipad... and she looks up at me while she is playing and goes Mommy I want one of these for my birthday please ok...lol..in your dreams Sondra!~  So for her next birthday..I'm thinking I am going to get her a portable DVD player...she likes to watch movies on my sister's itouch at wrestling...so the DVD player would be more safer and would occupy her time at meets when she isn't harassing the boys...

Well I must be going!... Have a great day..and maybe you will hear from me again this week... oh and WW is tonight... last week I lost 4.8 pounds...this week..I'm afraid I'm going to gain some of that back...tisk tisk I know.. had a few days I just couldn't resist...I'm going to get back on track today though...Also..I'm praying for all the "clueless" husbands out there..wake up!

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