Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Potty Mouth, Night Owl, WW Fear, and let the planning begin!

so Sondra had another incident with a bad word...this time: Saturday.. I am at my parents...we are making pizza...I ask Sondra..do you want a piece of pizza...her reply : hell ya....I smile and look at her and say What did you say sweetie... I said Hell Ya Mom... heh.. 1.. she didn't cover her mouth..so I'm guessing she didn't know it was a bad word..before then if she said a bad word and she knew it she would cover her mouth real quick..anyways..I look at her and say that is a bad word! You do not say Hell!...as I'm saying this.. the boys and a friend think its entertainment...lol..as I did when I was that age..and now..its not entertainment to me anymore...but I wash her mouth out with vanilla and we talk about it later..and I explain to her Bad people go to hell..and the devil lives there and how it is not a word we say especially like how she said it..so please try not to bring up the devil in front of her..and if she tells you - your going to hell...consider yourself a bad person in her book..lol...wow... we had such a long time since she had said a real bad word... oh well..it life

Also.. Last night Stuart was being his ornery self... first off..he was standing all night..and tried standing without holding on to stuff..Jake said he stood for like 2 seconds... gggrrr.... this little chunky cookie won't stay my baby...anyways...we started regular baby food last night...he got peas!..and he liked them...well..he needs to get use to them..but he ate them all... then before bed..he had his cereal and fruit- then after his bottle.... he would not go to sleep..he was "sleepy"..but would not fall asleep...i put him in his bed..and he stood up and made lots of noise! finally Jake went and got him..tried feeding him more..and he wouldn't eat... so... he ended up sleeping in our bed between us..which I hate b.c. I never sleep good...I wake up a few times a night..checking on him...but he sleeps like a rock when he is in our bed... he peacefully wakes up this morning...with a smile... what a snot!... sadly he isn't going to be my quiet little guy that i wanted...I'm fearing he will be worse than Sondra...pray for me now please...

Tonight is a bit of Excitement and Dooms Day...lol.. Last week I was unable to weigh in at a Official meeting b.c. of the weather... so...tonight we are going...now..let me start off by saying... I have followed these point things to a T. I use all my points in a day... try to drink all my water...and this week I had even used my point-plus too... that is what makes me think this week was not so great... I don't know!~....If I gain weight... lol.. I laugh myself stupid.. lol.. that doesn't even make sense... but if I lose weight IDK..it just seems odd...like how does this work..Your able to eat anything..but its about portions... but still it doesn't seem right...I don't know..I eat pretty great all week..breakfast and all...but on weekends..not so great but still stay within my points and extra points too... who knows... I'll report about my meeting in a few days...

so Vday is Monday...I can't even remember the last time we did anything special..hmm...I don't know whether that is Sad or we are just over the fact...He knows I love him and I know he loves me... do we really need to go out to eat to celebrate our love for Valentine's day.. now our anniversary this year... 5 years... yes.. we are gonna go out to eat just us ;)...

So Retreat planning is in full swing...we have a total of 24 ladies confirmed!...so Happy!.. I had been fearing we wouldn't have a good number..but it makes me happy that 24 ladies are coming and probably more!!!...so if your interested..please let me know..

Well I best be going... have a great night ;)

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