Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pulled a All Nighter- Purse Fool- Anxiety kid crazy- And WW Success!

My Little Man isn't feeling too hot!.. Last night he woke up at 2:30am wet all over...I smelled him..wasn't Pee...then realized he had thrown up...Got him changed..his bed changed and had Jake try to feed him...He wouldn't eat so I was going to let him lay in our bed for a little bit to get him calmed down...and then he puked everywhere again!..everywhere on my side...:) great... so I lay towels down..change him once again...and try to get some sleep...he falls to sleep quickly..but every so often just cries and whimpers...  :(..I hate that... so we didn't sleep for a straight 30min all night last night...this morning as we are getting ready to walk out he pukes ;)..change him again..and lets just say..I felt bad but had some relief when I dropped him off to the babysitter..  bless her heart..I love her.. she gave me a update saying he has been resting pretty much all day..and that she has only been feeding him little amounts..but so far fingers crossed have kept it down...

I have got a few busy days ahead of me. Tomorrow is my purse party :) can't wait for that.. I have to go to town tonight and get stuff for my...Brownie Ice cream Sundae bar! :) Also..this weekend I am going to districts..this will be the longest I have ever left my little guy..and I am not looking forward to it for the most part...but I know for my sanity...I should do this....its a big job getting everything for both kids for the weekend too!..and for myself too...I just have anxiety about leaving both my kids..I know they will be taken care by 2 really great people..but I still have my anxiety issues like usual. I don't do this often..but when I do leave them for a weekend I miss them like crazy and don't put them down for a while ;)... 

People that don't me all the way..would never know that I have anxiety about my kids..I just do.. as silly as it may seem to you- I like having my kiddies..If I'm not working...they are with me...sometimes its bothersome for aunts uncles and grandparents..but its hard for me to part with them... here lately I have been better with Sondra... not so much with Stuart... I think its good for her.. and me 2 :) I'm going to be frank...I would rather something someone hurt my children on my watch then on someone else's...I'd hate to have to try to forgive someone else.  
Sondra tends to listen less to me b.c. I'm her main comforter..her Daddy is the "man" and is final say..I spank her way more than Jake and discipline her way more...but still she listens to Daddy more and that really upsets Jake.. Its sometimes defeating lol.. here lately It seems like nothing I do works... the taking away part is a big help... but still we are having issues with her just straight up not listening..which in part her age of 3 1/2 does not help...but just her personality and temperament is out of this world..and I know I'm not the first mother in the world to have a child like this..but man oh my... lol..I usually don't spank her unless we are in public and want to get her attention fast and in a hurry...I know Sondra isn't perfect and will never be but in public she is going to know how to act...or I will make her... she is quickly learning the phrase "We need to go have a talk in the bathroom" means... when I'm by myself and just her and Stu in tow..I have little patience... when I asked God to give me patience I should have asked him to give me the ability to have patience- BUT we do not need to test it!~!! Bad as Sondra can be she melts my heart 2 seconds later... she has a way about her that I'm wrapped around her little finger. I love her because she will always be her own person. She is smart and and can give it right back...she is the first little girl that didn't cry immediately after my own Dad gave her the stare down...I felt like I could of cried lol...

Also WW last night went great... this was the first week that I felt like I wasn't sure how I was going to do... last week I knew I wasn't going to lose much or really anything...this past week I followed my points right I think..but I don't know. I guess I have never had a real friendly relationship with the I never know how it may treat me lol... but thankfully I lost 2.4 pounds in one week :). I'm very close to my first goal of 5%. Once I reach that then it will be getting to my 10% and then after that is when we will talk about my actual goal weight that I want to have :). I'm so excited that for once in my life I'm taking control and deciding to change it myself. 

Well I must be going!>.just wanted to update you guys... I'll get back to you soon ;) 

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