Thursday, May 5, 2016


Skyla will be here in 26 days..I could tell you then how many hours, mins, and down to the its really real....its so real that I'm saying to myself am I ready for this??? On one hand I cannot wait to hold my baby and with my newest niece Brielle being born its really fueled the fire of I want my baby right now!... but I can't wait to bring her home to her siblings, see Jake with another precious little girl- who will begin this intimate relationship with him that at times I get jealous of... the kids look at him like he hung the moon... I just can't wait for all this to begin...but then I look at the count down 26 days... 26 days and I'll be getting up every few hours to nurse a baby... 26 days and our whole family dynamic changes again... 26 days and Shania's world gets rocked... (Sondra & Stuart are pros at this)...  wow... 26 days...then if I had a 3rd hand I would say I have 26 days left of ever feeling a tiny little human in my womb. Like I have said before I'm waiting to hear how my doctor feels about having another baby ever...but I think I'm to that point physically without the doctor telling me... if anyone has ever carried a baby the experience is just profound. You are never alone in your thoughts. Especially now Skyla has a bit of a busy session and nap session..and then feeling her hiccups. I'll miss this season of my life. So 26 days till D day...

Whats on the menu for this weekend... Friday is up in the favorite Saturday Jake and I are taking a Concealed Carry class. Coming from a family that loves to hunt and shoot their guns I can't tell you I have any memory of myself shooting any type of gun especially a handgun. I never once felt unsafe being home a lone at my house growing up. I never felt really unsafe being a lone at home in Lafayette...but man..there are times when Jake is away and I'm the "adult" at home now with the kids I get a little weirded out. I can't handle when cars drive slow by my house or have pulled in and sat there a minute or 2 ect ect.. Or watching the news and seeing a shooting in the parking lot where I shop...or how I was getting into my car at Walmart with my kids and this man starts talking to me in the next car about how he thinks he knows me and wants me to come over and talk to him (at the time I had my hand on my taser and still felt nervous!) ... I don't like feeling helpless so yeah I've wanted a gun and have wanted to take a CCW class so I feel confident in how to not feel helpless! So Jake got me a gun! :) My first time shooting I was  a little dismayed like I'm not sure I can do this... then second time and with a little pointers I finally figured out the aiming lol... I kept saying I am going to be so embarrassed if I'm the only one who can't hit the target! Well I'm not really great but I'm going to keep practicing! Its actually kind of fun shooting.
Sunday is church day and mothers day. :) ... I love Sunday b.c. its unscheduled. we don't have any sports and its what we want to do which is usually outside working on sheep or barn stuff or sometimes its just vegging out doing absolutely nothing.... I've been doing a lot of that lately during the week so I'm usually up to being outside with actual people even if its dragging a chair for barn to barn lol .....

Today I went to Stuart's school for the Mother's day Celebration. It was so cute! He greeted me at the door with a paper flower bouquet. We sat first to eat a snack. Then we went and planted some seeds in a little cup he had painted. He planted only grass in mine lol :)... Then he made me a paper wind chime...which the greatest part he drew a picture of me with Skyla in my belly and then added himself to when he was in my belly too! lol He loved taking his little sister Shania around show all the "centers" he plays at. The most humorous was when we are eating snacks and a little girl comes sits by us and Stuart goes that is my girlfriend Lilly! lol (I have heard so much about also)... He proceeds to get her a napkin and cup for her snack AND tells me to scoot over! ha... and recalling throughout the whole time we were there we were not too far away from Lilly. It was pretty cute. and I wondered if Lilly knew she was his girlfriend- and after chatting with her Mom she said she was pretty smitten with him too. :)
Me & Stu
It was really neat getting to see the faces with the names that Stuart talks about. And it was very funny or a little scary when a parent says OH that is Stuart who I hear about so much. LOL... I always worry about him and his wild boy ways that he won't have many friends but walking out the door today I can see I don't think he will have a problem socially really... he is a bit of a that could get him into trouble....

Another thing anybody reading...if you have ever heard of Younique make  up I'm having a book party/online party... if your interested let me know I'll add you to my party group...after going to a party and seeing the foundation I was like a believer.also their mascara is crazy too....I don't really wear make up anymore b.c. mine is so old and my lovely daughters have gotten into my most recent stuff is like 4 years old from Mary Kay...then mixed in is "expensive" make up that my Gram Sondra had in her bathroom that was going to be thrown away and said I could use that! yeah..that was what almost 6 years ago! ya I'm due for a few things...but yeah..I close my party the 12th if anyone needs/wants anything! here is the link:

alrighty! I must be going!!! I hope everyone has a happy Moms day celebrating their Momma's or you being celebrated as a Momma.. pray for those who still in the process of becoming a Momma...and I ask to pray for me and my little family and I'll pray for yours. 


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